Military personnel still mobilized to fight the fire this morning. (photo: Edsio Ferreira / EM / DA Press)
a incndio Large proportions mobilized the Fire Department and other security forces in the early hours of this Friday in Bairro Novo Boa Vista, in Contagem, in the Greater BH.
According to the corporation, a factory of products in Madeira located on Colmbia street caught fire. The witness who called 193 around 1 a.m. said the flames were high. There are residences near the site and residents have had to leave the buildings for safety.
At the beginning of this morning, nine vehicles of the Fire Department were in combat at the site, which, due to the activity carried out, houses highly flammable materials. There were also four vehicles of the Military Police (PM), in addition to the civil police and a rescue team to provide assistance to the firefighters if necessary. Firefighters report that 85,000 liters of water were used to extinguish the fire, which reached six rooms in the establishment.
Firefighters removing materials from the site this morning (photo: Edsio Ferreira / EM / DA Press)
It is not yet known what caused the fire. THE property of the establishment, Srgio Luiz Gomes, spoke with State of Minas this morning, still shocked by the situation. He said the site makes brooms, furniture and other wood products. “I don’t know what happened, if I like it or what it was. I can not say anything. I know they told me it was on fire. It could probably be a short circuit. It has energy inside, it moves wood, the climate is dry, ”he commented.
Srgio Luiz Gomes, owner of the factory (photo: Edsio Ferreira / EM / DA Press)
On the information that the place was not authorized to operate, it defends itself. “I wanted to make it very clear that, okay, I don’t have a record, I don’t have alvar. People talk about hiding, but I am a worker, I am not dishonest. People keep talking and have to look at it. We will not arrive detonating. I lost everything, ”he lamented, saying that he has not yet managed to account for the losses.
Saved animals
Kittens were rescued on the roof of the property (photo: Edsio Ferreira / EM / DA Press)
With the day already clear, while carrying out the aftermath of the fire, removing the materials from the interior of the space, the firefighters were surprised by a litter of cats. The four puppies were rescued from the roof of the establishment. They were scared, but they had no injuries.