Wladimir Garotinho of PSD wins the second round in Campos, RJ, but the elections are under trial | Elections 2020 in Norte Fluminense- RJ


Wladimir Garotinho, from PSD, received the majority of the votes this Sunday (29) in the second round in Campos dos Goytacazes, in the north of Rio de Janeiro. He, however, is sub judice and awaits the decision of the Electoral Justice to have confirmation of whether or not he will be mayor for the next four years.

At the end of the count, Wladimir had 52.40% of the votes. There were 121,174 votes in total.

  • Consult the interview with Wladimir Garotinho, candidate for the Municipality of Campos by PSD

The candidate defeated Caio Vianna (PDT), who came in second place with 47.60% (110,094 votes).

The election in the second round in Campos had 5,419 (2.16%) of white votes, 14,423 (5.74%) of null votes and 109,516 (30.37%) of abstentions. The abstention was greater than that of the first round. On the first Sunday of voting, 24.92% of the people stopped voting.

Wladimir started to qualify second, but turned the game around and led the charge.

The electoral situation of the ballot is sub judice because the deputy, Frederico Paes, was director of a hospital and did not leave his post within the term required by the electoral legislation, which resulted in ineligibility.

Wladimir Garotinho is 35 years old, is married, has a complete superior and declares to the TSE the occupation of deputy. It has a declared equity of R $ 1,633,610.58. The alternate is Frederico Paes, MDB, who is 51 years old.

Check the government plan of Wladimir Garotinho.

According to TRE-RJ, there may be new elections for mayor if the Superior Electoral Court maintains the rejection of the application for registration of the most voted candidate Goytacazes fields, Carapebus, Duque de Caxias, Magé, Petrópolis, Paraíba do Sul, Silva Jardim, Varre-Sai and Volta Redonda.

In these nine municipalities, the candidates competed under the status of sub judice (rejected with appeal) and are awaiting the sentence of the appeal. Sub judice candidates can only be proclaimed elected after a decision of the Superior Electoral Tribunal.
