On the same date that the country completes the sequence of eight days of moving average deaths from COVID-19 above a thousand, President Jair Bolsonaro (without a party) again criticized the isolation measures and insinuated that those who have courage do not need to respect Quarantine.
The close-up and stay-at-home policy didn’t work. The Brazilian people are strong. The Brazilian people are not afraid of danger. “
Jair Bolsonaro, President of the Republic
At the same time, a patient with down syndrome who moved the nets by hugging a nurse to receive oxygen in Manacapuru (AM), on Sunday (24), died on Thursday (26) due to complications from covid-19.
Emerson Júnior, 30, waited for five days for a place in an ICU bed. The lack of beds for care in Amazonas, which continues to experience a critical health situation, is already spreading to other states; Faced with the transfer of patients, the secretaries appealed to the Ministry of Health to evaluate the construction of a field hospital with more than 300 beds to serve the population of Amazonas without overloading the state and municipal networks.
However, the transfer of patients from the Amazon to other states may still aggravate the transmission of the new variant of the coronavirus. In an interview with TV Cultura, former Minister of Health Luiz Henrique Mandetta said that the mutation, detected for the first time in Manaus, could trigger a mega-epidemic in Brazil in 60 days.
We will probably plant this strain in all the territories of the federation and in 60 days we may have a mega epidemic
Luiz Henrique Mandetta, former Minister of Health
And the vaccine?
The Ministry of Health has more than one demand from the states and municipalities to attend to: local administrations charge for a detailed vaccination schedule against covid-19; Governors say they have not yet been informed whether the union will pay for all vaccines or whether states should rush after buying doses for the domestic supply.
Yesterday, Bolsonaro declared that the government did everything possible to help the crisis in Amazonas by sending transfers and financial resources.
However, the Inteligov monitoring platform points out that the amount presented by the president as destined to combat covid-19, in fact, is equivalent to all the transfers made to the state and not only to the health crisis.
On January 7, the government was warned of the risk of oxygen starvation. On the 11th, the Minister of Health, Eduardo Pazuello, visited Manaus, but did not announce any resolution plan. His efforts have focused on advocating “early treatment” using drugs that do not have scientific evidence of efficacy against COVID-19.
* With agency information