Without contracts, Pazuello foresees 24.7 million vaccine and speaks at the forefront


The Minister of Health, Eduardo Pazuello, again cited a combination of factors to say today that Brazil may have, in January, 24.7 million doses of vaccines available against covid-19.

So far, the country has not yet signed a purchase contract with any company or laboratory that produces immunizers -only with intention-, and this Thursday (17) the Ministry of Health reaffirmed that there is no fixed date for the start of vaccination in national territory. .

According to Pazuello, reaching 24.7 million doses will only be possible if the three main partner laboratories of the ministry sign the purchase agreements, register their vaccines in Anvisa (National Health Surveillance Agency) and guarantee the availability of delivery of the immunizers.

In January, we are talking about 500 thousand doses of Pfizer, 9 million doses of Butantan and 15 million of AstraZeneca. The exact date is the month of January. It could be January 18 and 20. But if we can understand that the process will give us the date (…) it already gives us a new design. All this depending on the Anvisa registry “
Eduardo Pazuello, Minister of Health

According to the ministry, the general rounded out the bill in his speech, and the federal government hopes that:

  • In January, AstraZeneca / Fiocruz delivered 15.2 million doses, thus reaching a total of 24.7 million doses
  • In February: up to 37.7 million doses
  • In March: 31 million.

The minister had already said that vaccination could begin in December and gave different dates for the start of immunization. This afternoon, the Ministry of Health released a note to inform that “it has not set a date for the start of vaccination” in the country. Yesterday, Pazuello said that the forecast is “mid-February.”

Yesterday the national immunization plan was announced, and today President Jair Bolsonaro signed an MP (Provisional Measure) that frees R $ 20 billion for the purchase of vaccines, syringes and other elements for the vaccination campaign.

Brazil at the “forefront”

During a Senate hearing on the fight against the pandemic, the general also said that Brazil is at the “forefront” of vaccination planning. However, although Brazil still does not have a date for the start of the immunization plan, countries such as the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom have already begun vaccination. Today, the European Union also announced that the 27 countries of the bloc will begin to vaccinate the population on December 27.

We are not late, we are at the forefront. “
Eduardo Pazuello

“It is necessary to understand that what is happening out there in the world, we are at the forefront. The US Pfizer emergency authorization, the first authorization was in England 15 days ago. It is not three months. The American was now, last week. The figures are very small in relation to the US population, as is the emergency use, ”declared Pazuello.

Emergency use is that which allows the vaccination of specific and risk groups. The registration of the vaccine, on the other hand, is when the commercialization in clinics and the vaccination for the entire population is allowed. Both depend on the approval of Anvisa.

The 24.7 million doses announced today by Pazuello would be enough to vaccinate only 12 million people – each one receives two doses – about 5.7% of the Brazilian population, estimated today at 210 million people.

Covid on the rise in Brazil

Yesterday, Brazil surpassed the mark of 7 million confirmed cases of covid-19: the total number of infected has increased to 7,042,695 since the start of the pandemic, with 68,437 new cases in 24 hours. The figures would be even higher, but the state of São Paulo faced technical problems and did not send updated data to the Ministry of Health system. The information was collected by the press vehicle consortium of which Twitter It is part of.

The number of deaths from the disease in Brazil in a 24-hour interval is the highest in three months: there were 968 new records, with a total of 183,822 deaths since the start of the pandemic. The country hasn’t seen such a high milestone since September 15, when 1,090 deaths were confirmed.
