BRASILIA – After controversy involving Renda Brasil, the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, He called a meeting with his main assistants and with the special secretaries of the portfolio on Wednesday night 16. Unlike other meetings, which had been held by videoconference, this is face-to-face.
The meeting was added to the Executive Secretary’s agenda, Marcelo guaranys. Only later was the minister’s agenda updated.
The meeting takes place in a day of growing rumors about a possible departure of the special secretary of Finance, Waldery Rodrigues, after the secretary’s statements aroused public criticism from President Jair Bolsonaro. Waldery advocated freezing pensions for two years and changing unemployment insurance to save resources and boost the government’s new social program. Bolsonaro responded by saying that he would have to give a “red card” to anyone who proposed such a measure..
According to Guedes assistants, Waldery is considered a “super loyal” secretary to the minister, but he had already had problems with the team. According to sources, there were many criticisms of the secretary’s behavior outside and within the ministry, and Bolsonaro’s “frying” should accelerate a change that would already take place. But Guedes is close to Waldery, and the “easier” solution would be for the secretary himself to resign.