With 855 new deaths in 24 hours, Brazil exceeds 125 thousand deaths from covid-19


More than 125,000 people have died from covid-19 in Brazil. Today’s data from the media consortium of which Twitter It is part of the fact that, in the last 24 hours, there were 855 deaths related to the new coronavirus, the total is 125,584.

Between yesterday and today, 40,566 positive tests for covid-19 were registered; In total, 4,086,716 people have been infected in the country since the start of the pandemic.

The moving average of deaths, which calculates daily deaths based on the records made in the last seven days, points to 856 deaths per day, a result considered stable at 14 days (-13%).

According to the survey conducted by the consortium, 14 states and the Federal District experienced a slowdown in the moving average of deaths from the disease in the 14-day variation, while two showed an increase.

Among the regions, the Northeast (-27%) and Southeast (-17%) showed a decrease in the 14-day variation due to the disease caused by the new coronavirus. The North rose (36%). The rest remained stable: Central-West (-8%) and South (-13%).

See the oscillation in the states:

  • Acceleration: AM, RO and TO
  • Stability: CE, GO, MA, MS, MT, PA, PR, RR, RO and SP
  • Remains: AC, AL, AP, BA, DF, ES, MG, PB, PE, PI, RN, RJ, RS, SC and SE.

Federal government data

According to data compiled by the Ministry of Health, between yesterday and today, Brazil registered 907 new deaths from covid-19. The portfolio accounts for 125,521 deaths from the disease in the country.

According to government accounts, since the beginning of the pandemic, 4,092,832 people have already contracted the new coronavirus in the country, of that total, 51,194 diagnoses were confirmed in the last 24 hours.

4.4 million people act like the coronavirus doesn’t exist

The IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) released today the results of the Pnad Covid-19 (National Survey by Household Sample).

The investigation reveals that, even with the number of new cases and deaths from covid-19 still at a high level, 4.4 million people (2.1% of the 211.2 million Brazilian inhabitants) did not take any measures to avoid contagion with the new coronavirus in the second week of August (between 9 and 15). The number represents stability compared to the previous week.

The group that has reduced contact but continues to leave home or receive visits is made up of 74.5 million people. Compared to the previous week, the number increased by 2.9 million.

86.4 million people (40.9% of the population) stayed at home and only went for basic needs – in the first week of August there were 89.1 million (42.2% of the population).

Vehicles gather to obtain information

In response to the decision of the government of Jair Bolsonaro to restrict access to data on the covid-19 pandemic, the media Twitter, El Estado de S. Paulo, Folha de S.Paulo, O Globo, G1 and Extra formed a consortium to work collaboratively to seek the necessary information directly from the state health departments of the 27 units of the Federation.

The federal government, through the Ministry of Health, should be the natural source of these figures, but recent attitudes from the authorities and the president himself question the availability of the data and its veracity.
