With 455 new deaths in 24 hours, Brazil reaches 137,350 deaths from covid-19


Brazil registered 455 new deaths from covid-19 in the last 24 hours, with a total of 137,350 deaths from the disease. The information is from the vehicle consortium of which UOL is part.

The survey shows 15,821 new infected compared to yesterday; In total, the country has 4,560,083 diagnoses since February, when the first case of the new coronavirus was registered on Brazilian soil.

The moving average of deaths, calculated based on the number of deaths in the last seven days, is 748, which represents stability in relation to the last 14 days.

Health data

Previously, the Ministry of Health reported 377 new deaths from covid-19 registered since yesterday. In total, the country accumulates 137,272 deaths from the new coronavirus.

According to the folder, in the last 24 hours 13,439 new cases were confirmed; the country has 4,558,068 diagnoses.

The federal government considers 3,887,199 recovered cases and states that there are 533,597 patients under follow-up.

WHO: the vaccine may be only 50% effective

Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, chief scientist of the WHO (World Health Organization) admitted today that the organization can approve a vaccine that is 50% effective. “[Desejamos uma vacina com] At least 70% effective, but in the worst case, 50% effective, it could still be useful, ”he said this afternoon.

Swaminathan explained that the effectiveness of the vaccine is not the only criterion taken into account and that the ideal scenario is a vaccine that has a 30% confidence interval.

The doctor sees the possibility of a scenario with two vaccines: one used for “prevention” and the other to “control outbreaks.”

Vehicles gather for information

In response to the decision of the government of Jair Bolsonaro to restrict access to data on the covid-19 pandemic, media Twitter, El Estado de S. Paulo, Folha de S.Paulo, O Globo, G1 and Extra formed a consortium to work collaboratively to seek the necessary information directly from the state health departments of the 27 units of the Federation.

The federal government, through the Ministry of Health, should be the natural source of these figures, but recent attitudes by the authorities and the president himself question the availability of the data and its veracity.
