Why Trump’s Florida victory means the bottom line will take time to come out


CNN, New York Times and Fox News projected the victory of Donald Trump in Florida, one of the great prizes of the election because it sends 29 delegates to the Electoral College.

All the results are, for the moment, based on projections from the main US media, since in the United States each state has its own electoral rules, there is no national body that centralizes the counting numbers.

The president won there in 2016, and regaining status for Democrats was one of Joe Biden’s hopes for opening a margin of safety at the Electoral College.

The Florida result indicates that the final result should take, perhaps hours, days, perhaps weeks, to be known.

United States Election: Real-time results tracking

This is because the dispute will be decided in other states, including some that will receive votes mailed for days. The Trump campaign already disputes the validity of these votes in court, and this means that the count can take and, as happened in 2000, be resolved in court.

In Ohio, where Trump won in 2016 and where his victory is now taken for granted, mail-in votes sent through Tuesday can go as late as the 13th and will be counted. However, votes that arrive after 8 pm local time will only be released in 10 days.

In Pennsylvania, another critical state, letters sent through Tuesday have until Friday to arrive and be validated. The same day is the Michigan receipt deadline.

Disagreements: NYT and Fox News indicators pointing to potential winners completely contradict each other

In more than 300 court cases, the Trump campaign questions these deadlines, which could be changed.

The chances of a legal battle are reduced if one of the candidates opens a wide margin. However, if the dispute remains tight, the outcome may not be known until Thanksgiving in three weeks, possibly extending into December.

Trump’s victory in Florida is mainly due to the Latino vote, and especially citizens of Cuban and Venezuelan origin, in Miami-Dade, the most populous county in Florida.

Thus, Trump was rewarded for his policy towards Cuba and Venezuela, which tightened sanctions against the governments of both countries.
