The national president of the PT, Gleisi Hoffmann (PR) reinforced today that the support announced for the candidacy of Baleia Rossi (MDB-SP) for the presidency of the House does not mean that the party stops being critical or that it no longer defends the thesis that the accusation of former President Dilma Rousseff was a “coup”. According to the deputy, the union was necessary to stop the advance of the agendas of the government of Jair Bolsonaro (without a party).
“We continue to think that it was a coup, and that it was that coup and Lula’s arrest that threw the country into this instability we are in. The problem is that some of the people who struck saw that it was bad, [que] put in prtrust a man who cannot rule Brasil, “Gleisi said in an interview with CNN Brazil.
The deputy also defined Bolsonaro as “authoritarian”, “a man who apologizes for torture” and “someone who cannot give minimal answers to the Brazilian people” with regard to the fight against the covid-19 pandemic, attributing the election of the president. to suspected scammers.
“We think we have to use these contradictions [dos partidos que votaram pelo impeachment de Dilma] stop the worst that comes, “he justified. Before, Gleisi had already said that Bolsonaro is “very perverse for Brazil” and stopping any type of setback imposed by the federal government is a fight that “comes first.”
Pragmatism won
The decision to support Baleia Rossi was made by PT after meeting this afternoon. Although they tended to support the emedebista, there were party members who preferred to launch their own opposition candidate to join the emedebista in a possible second round or not support him precisely because the deputy was from the MDB.
Rossi is the national president of the initials of Eduardo Cunha, which allowed to open the impeachment trial against Dilma, and Michel Temer, who assumed the presidency of the Republic after the process.
The possibility of running for the opposition or the party was on the radar today. However, with the decision of other left-wing acronyms, such as PCdoB and PSB, to join Ballena Rossi, the most pragmatic wing of the party stood out.
The emedebista has behind his candidacy the political group of the current mayor, Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ). Now, with the PT, he has the support of some 280 federal deputies against approximately 175 of the block of Arthur Lira (Progressistas-AL), Bolsonaro’s candidate.