Whindersson Nunes voiced, praised Luisa Sonza fans and asked her own fans: “It really isn’t fair.”


The week has not been easy for Whindersson Nunes and Luisa Sonza … The singer, especially, had to face an avalanche of malicious criticism after announcing the separation from the youtuber. This Friday (1), the humorist expressed the attacks and made a special thanks to fans of his ex-wife.

Nunes appreciated the position of the artist’s admirers, who according to him at no time offended or disrespected him. “NO shit came to me, just respect and good words. Now, among the crowd asking for respect at the wedding, I read things that disrespect them on so many levels that I understood why Luísa Mel prefers dogs to people. “, he wrote on his Twitter profile.

The actor revealed that he decided to expose the situation because he was worried about Luisa. “I’m only tweeting this because it’s really a matter of responsibility for someone’s psychological people. Do you think I don’t ask Larissa Manoela if I can talk about her forehead? I’m not crazy, I don’t want anyone bad, no. Much less a partner ”shared

In another publication, he called for the wave of attacks on Sonza to cease. “For my fans, who want to see me well, if they see any publication that does not respect Luísa, report it. It is not a hero’s giving, no. It really is a lot of injustice, it’s not really fair. “, argument.

Whindersson Nunes shared with his followers that he was already bullied and bullied on the Internet, and how it had a negative impact on him. “It is a very wrong wave to fall so that this diminishes people. I never forgot where I came from, I know how bad it is to be humiliated. The things I read when I was practically “child” on the Internet, I didn’t even understand what it was and I was terrified“, Delivered.

“‘I will send you if you appear in São Paulo, stop trash’. I didn’t even know that someone could invent a profile and impersonate someone. There was one who chased me for months saying he was going to catch me, months of terror, that’s for 2013 “he recalled.

Understand the case

Since the announcement of the separation from Whindersson Nunes, Luísa Sonza has come under heavy criticism that has called her, among other things, “self-interested.” Many Internet users control the artist’s sentiment for his tuber.

In the post published by the humorist on Instagram announcing the separation, it is possible to see several aggressive comments against the voice of “Devagarinho”. “Sorry … but it took a while … Luísa made the pet famous … it was in the face”, wrote a profile. “One day you will find someone who looks at you the same way you looked at her, only this time it will be reciprocal and you will see true love, not love of interest”, shared another profile.

Photo: Playback / Instagram
Photo: Playback / Instagram
Photo: Playback / Instagram

Luísa used her personal Twitter account to reassure her fans, friends and family who were concerned about her situation in the face of so many enemies. “Relax, the attacks I am experiencing did not start today, they started more than four years ago, from the beginning of my relationship. At the time I was a 17-year-old girl from the country who didn’t even know how to use the Internet correctly, “ remembered

“I rebelled, I blamed myself, I suffered, I felt hatred, I lost myself a million times, until I had to grow up to understand that none of this is about me, it’s about who is speaking. The mouth speaks of what the heart is full. I already healed it. That weight they put on me. Or at least it doesn’t hurt anymore like it hurts ”, revealed

The separation

The decision was shared during that afternoon (29) by the former couple, on social networks. In the long text, both explained that they needed to break the union, before the beautiful story lived by them was compromised.

“We have always been an inspirational couple for many people, and we know the weight we have in the lives of many people, but we need, at that moment, to make him understand that love does not always exist only when there is marriage. We had a beautiful life as a couple and we took the risk of saying that it is almost perfect, so perfect that we understand that there is a time when we must stop so as not to spoil what really was so beautiful. “, wrote

Even with the breakup, Luísa and Whindersson ensured that friendship and mutual respect remain. “We are ending a phase, ending a marriage, but we never love, affect, and respect each other. We love and admire each other a lot and inspire each other to the point of understanding that sometimes we have to stop. ”they reflected.

The decision was not made overnight and involved a lot of debate. “We thought a lot about our choice and decided to end our marriage to continue having a healthy relationship, with association, friendship, respect, admiration and a lot of love.”they warned.

“We learned a lot, we helped each other a lot and now we have to go our own way. You don’t need to look for a bigger reason, because it doesn’t exist. We know that from now on they will invent hundreds of different reasons, but the only truth is this: we grew, changed, evolved, and followed different paths, at least for now. And that’s it “, the duo concluded, asking fans not to give up on love.

See this post on Instagram

Well, we don’t even know how to explain it to you … We have always been an inspirational couple for many people, and we know the weight we have in the lives of many people, but, right now, we need to make you understand that love is not always there. only when there is marriage. We had a beautiful life as a couple and we risk saying that it is almost perfect, so perfect that we understand that there is a time when we must stop so as not to spoil what really was so beautiful. We decided not to have a couple life anymore, but never end our “relationship”. We are breaking for most people. But the truth is that we are only finishing one phase, ending a marriage, but we never love each other, we have affection and mutual respect. We love and admire each other a lot and inspire each other to the point of understanding that sometimes we have to stop. We thought a lot about our decision and decided to end our marriage to continue having a healthy relationship, with association, friendship, respect, admiration and a lot of love. We learned a lot, we help each other a lot and now we have to go our own way. You don’t have to try to find a bigger reason because it doesn’t exist. We know that from now on they will invent hundreds of different reasons, but the only truth is this: we grew, changed, evolved, and followed different paths, at least for now. And that’s it. And no, do not give up on love, never, just understand that love can be greater than we imagine, to the point of knowing what is best for love to continue living. With love, Whindersson and Luísa ❤️

A publication shared by Luísa Sonza (@luisasonza) in

Later, Luísa gave an exclusive interview to Leo Dias and reinforced that there was no specific reason for the end of the marriage. “I had just returned from the vet, there wasn’t much. Believe me, it was a totally cordial conversation and it was by mutual agreement, nobody broke up with anyone. I swear to God, there was no real reason, nothing really happened“The voice of” Braba “detailed.

However, it was not only now that the former couple discussed a possible separation. “We talked about it for a long time, but I swear I never lied when they came looking for me to separate me. To give you an idea, even in the separation conversation, we are called love“The singer explained.”Since we parted, we talk every day, trust me. Love still exists, my admiration for him is still huge, but love has changed.“He added.

See this post on Instagram

Well, we don’t even know how to explain it to you … We have always been an inspirational couple for many people, and we know the weight we have in the lives of many people, but, right now, we need to make you understand that love is not always there. only when there is marriage. We had a beautiful life as a couple and we risk saying that it is almost perfect, so perfect that we understand that there is a time when we must stop so as not to spoil what really was so beautiful. We decided not to have a couple life anymore, but never end our “relationship”. We are breaking for most people. But the truth is that we are only finishing one phase, ending a marriage, but we never love each other, we have affection and mutual respect. We love and admire each other a lot and inspire each other to the point of understanding that sometimes we have to stop. We thought a lot about our decision and decided to end our marriage to continue having a healthy relationship, with association, friendship, respect, admiration and a lot of love. We learned a lot, we help each other a lot and now we have to go our own way. You don’t have to try to find a bigger reason because it doesn’t exist. We know that from now on they will invent hundreds of different reasons, but the only truth is this: we grew, changed, evolved and followed different paths, at least for now. And that’s it. And no, don’t give up on love, never, just understand that love can be bigger than we imagine, to the point of knowing what is best for love to continue living. With love, Whindersson and Luísa ❤️

A post shared by Whindersson Nunes 🏠 (@whinderssonnunes) on

According to Luisa, the current coronavirus pandemic and the need to stay home, living together 24 hours a day, may have “accelerated” the breakup. Before the quarantine, the two artists, both with busy schedules, hardly ever spent entire weeks together at home.

Since the last conversation, Nunes has lived in his office, which he transformed into a studio, into a property near the ex-couple’s residence, where Sonza continues to live with his mother, according to Veja magazine.
