WhatsApp will soon allow group video calls to accommodate eight people at the same time, doubling the platform’s current capacity. The novelty was presented on Saturday 25 and will arrive for tablets and smartphones running Android, in addition to the iPhone.
According to the TechTudo portal, the idea is similar to that promised by Messenger Rooms or Zoom, which put several people at the same time in a single call, showing them together on the screen. Since the goal is to use the call on the smartphone, the limit of simultaneous people was set at eight participants.
It is currently possible to gather a group in a video call on WhatsApp, but with up to four people talking at the same time. Doubling the capacity of contacts has not changed the encryption applied in this type of conversation, which continues to exist from end to end. WhatsApp promises that even the company will not be able to hear what is being said.
The increase comes at a good time, since during the coronavirus pandemic, which caused COVID-19, the guidance of the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health is social isolation. With as many people as possible at home, away from other family and friends.
Facebook has not released a release date for the novelty, it only says that it will appear soon, and probably for all users, regardless of the platform chosen.