what was found on Adriano da Nóbrega’s nine cell phones


Messages and photographs found by the Public Ministry in the nine cell phones seized from the militiaman Adriano Magalhães da Nóbrega reveal how the former Bope captain planned to escape the police action that ended with his death. EXTRA had exclusive access to the data extraction reports of the devices, which only come to light more than a year after the death of the ex-skull in an operation at a site in the Bahian city of Esplanada. On cell phones, the MP found images of the arsenal of rifles that Adriano had at his disposal and had access to dialogues that show that, even in the escape, he continued to give orders to his cronies – a military policeman among them -, he threatened his enemies , negotiated the horse race and monitored the contravention steps in Rio.

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“I’m already at the ranch. It’s a trank. Go with God. It will work.” Those were the last messages sent by the militiaman, about six hours before his death, on the morning of February 9. The previous morning he had arrived at the place of the PSL councilor, Gilsinho da Dedé, whom he hoped to use as a hiding place. The text was addressed to Julia Emilia Mello Lotufo, Adriano’s widow, currently on the run: this Monday she was the target of Operation Gargoyle, against the criminal organization responsible for the financial movement and money laundering of the criminal assets left by Adriano. A few hours before the message, Julia warned Adriano that he should flee: “Don’t stay there anymore.” It was the password for him to leave the house of his friend and farmer Leandro Guimarães, where he was staying, and go to the isolated ranch where he ended up being found.

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Adriano saved a photo of Julia Lotufo, his wife, on one of his cell phones.
Adriano saved a photo of Julia Lotufo, his wife, on one of his cell phones. Photo: Playback

Julia sent the message through a messaging application shortly after being stopped by agents of the Federal Highway Police (PRF) on BR-116, near Vitória da Conquista, also in Bahia. She was returning to Rio, after the couple discovered that the police were following her. Before, the two were in a house in Costa do Sauípe, on the coast of Bahia. When the police arrived at the scene, Adriano managed to escape through a mangrove swamp and fled inland. “Life goes on. Normally it would happen. Now I’m going to move. Did you give any more relevant information? The whole name here?” She replied, “For God’s sake. No.”

At the same dawn, hours before his death, Adriano communicated, through another device, with the PM soldier in Rio Rodrigo Bittencourt Fernandes Pereira do Rego, designated by the PM as one of his oranges. At the time, Adriano was concerned that his wife was traveling in a car that was being monitored by the police. For this reason, he explained to Bittencourt about the PRF’s approach and asked him to keep the car and give another one to Julia when she got to Rio: “I told you to go there and leave the car and take another one. you mean? ” Adriano also gave instructions on what the couple should say to Julia when she arrives. “Explain to J (Julia) that I left where I was and went deeper. That’s why I can’t speak.” Bittencourt, designated as the militiaman’s right-hand man during the period he was on the run, was arrested Monday. Throughout the investigation, he was caught trying to dispose of several of Adriano’s assets when he was off duty at 20 BPM (Mesquita).

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Adriano had photos of several rifles on one of his cell phones
Adriano had photos of various rifles on one of his cell phones Photo: Reproduction

According to the MP, even while fleeing from the police, Adriano continued to negotiate breeding horses, one of the activities in which he launders crime money. “The people here put 200 on the horse. You say you can get further. I already gave you the floor,” the militiaman wrote to an interlocutor on February 3. Other messages expose the support network that the former skull had in Bahia. After the escape from Costa do Sauípe, he ordered a colleague, still unidentified, but who was wearing a Sergipe state number, to pack a suitcase in order to escape inside. “Bring my blue hammock and my duvet, my things from the farm, knives. I must travel soon,” he determined.

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In a third device, MP experts found Hadrian’s arsenal. Six photographs of different rifles were taken with the cell phone and the militiaman sent them to an interlocutor through a messaging application. One of the weapons is camouflaged and the other two have telescopic scopes and tripods, ideal for precision shooting. According to the investigations of the MP, the Crime Office, a gang of hitmen founded by Adriano, used this same type of weapon to practice some of the crimes for which they were hired. On the device, there were also images of .308 and .30 caliber ammunition.

Other images show threats made by the former prime minister to disgruntled people. In one of them, the reproduction of a dialogue by a messaging application that he sent to a contact, Adriano tells a henchman: “So they are monitoring the girl. They went to her school today. I don’t say anything else. I know who He did. that. ” The deputy does not know who is the “girl” referred to by the former prime minister. “Tell him to pray so that nothing happens to this girl. I hesitate,” completes Adriano. At the end of the dialogue, which took place in 2019, the interlocutor warns that he spoke with the objective of the threats and “said that nothing will happen.”

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The dialogue shows Adriano's threats to the unhappy as they fled
Dialogue shows Adriano’s threats to enemies while fleeing Photo: Playback

The experts also found in one of the devices of the ex-skull evidence that it followed, even from afar, the steps of the misdemeanor in Rio. To a neighbor, Adriano sent a photo of the headline “Daughter of the offender talks about ‘people sold’ at the police station.” The report contains an interview with Shanna Harrouche García, daughter of Boggart Waldomiro Paes García, Maninho, published in October 2019, shortly after she was attacked. Adriano had previously worked for Shanna between 2007 and 2011, but broke up with the Garcia family. He is designated by the MP as the author of several murders of members of the clan that have never been clarified.

Remember: The Bahian police conclude that the militiaman Adriano da Nóbrega was not executed or tortured during the operation

Of the nine cell phones seized from Adriano, only three had data that could be extracted. The information extracted from the devices was used by the MP in the investigation of the destination of his assets. When he was still prime minister, Adriano received from the then deputy Flávio Bolsonaro the Tiradentes Medal, the highest honor of the Legislative Assembly of Rio. The honor was presented at the request of the father of the current senator, President Jair Bolsonaro, for whom Adriano was “a hero.” The investigation into the death of the militiaman concluded that there was a confrontation in the action in Esplanada and ruled out the possibility of execution and that the victim suffered physical torture. At the same time, forensics identified that the former prime minister fired seven shots at the police, hitting shields and parts of the property where he was hiding.
