What should happen after the seventh garden is suspended?


On the afternoon of this Thursday (29) the production of A Fazenda 12 confirmed the suspension of the voting of the 7th orchard after verifying an error in the count of points in the farmer’s test. Now DCI wants to know: what should happen after this suspension? Vote in the A Fazenda 12 poll and give your opinion!

Survey A Fazenda 12: what should happen after the suspension of the 7th farm?

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On Twitter, Mion asked for opinions on what to do.

At the beginning of the night, hours before the live show where Mion would give the news of the suspension to pedestrians and inform the public about the measures taken, the presenter asked on Twitter the opinion of the public of A Fazenda 12 about what should be done .

“Now they are informing me of what is going to happen. But let’s open the space for opinions, after all you live the game. In your opinion, what should happen after the vote is suspended? ” wrote.

Internet users responded with suggestions, some of which you can vote here in Survey A Fazenda 12. During the afternoon, the hashtags ROÇA DUPLA and DON’T HARM JAKE were among the most discussed topics on the social network.

The tweeters asked the production to exclude Tays and Jakelyne from the country, keeping the vote only between Lipe Victória. Some disagreed, saying that all three who participated in the farmer’s test had been injured and therefore a retest must be done to give everyone a chance again.

There were those who dared and suggested that the four nominees be sent to the fields and the three that they return to do a new test of the farmer.

The most radical came up with the idea of ​​a ‘false elimination’, where Mion would pretend that the vote was going smoothly and the three would return to the house and the host would announce the suspension of that garden.

And you, what do you think should happen? Vote in the Survey A Fazenda 12 and leave your opinion!
