What is hyperthermia? Learn to avoid death from hot hair


Gabriel Ronan / State of Mines

Luiz Ribeiro – State of Minas

Posted on 10/07/2020 10:03 AM / Updated 10/07/2020 10:16 AM

    (credit: ED ALVES / CB / DAPress)

(credit: ED ALVES / CB / DAPress)

The heat that Brazilians face in recent days is synonymous with discomfort and can put health at risk. Difficulty sleeping and excessive sweating are common complaints from the population. And the forecast of maintaining temperatures close to 40 ° C until Friday caused the National Institute of Meteorology (Inmet) to issue an alert for the possibility of hyperthermia in the coming days, a condition that causes deaths, especially in temperate countries (Europe, for example) during heat waves well above the expected average for the period. But what does hyperthermia mean? What care should we have?

First, it is necessary to define the concept. The reverse phenomenon to hypothermia occurs when the core temperature of our body exceeds 40 ° C, as explained by physiologist Eduardo Pimenta, professor at the Sports Department of the Faculty of Physical Education, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (EEFFTO – UFMG).

“The population that suffers the most are children and the elderly. The elderly, due to an aging process of the sweat glands. An inefficiency of the elderly to exchange heat with the environment. With children it is the opposite: it is a process of immaturity of this thermoregulation mechanism ”, explains Pimenta.

According to him, the population should be aware of some signs of dehydration and hyperthermia. If the solution to problems often involves drinking water and not prolonged exposure to the sun, urine control is essential. “The color of the first urine is important. On the Internet, anyone can find tables that report the level of hydration represented by the tone of the urine ”, says the specialist.

In practice, if a person’s urine is very yellow, they are not consuming the ideal amount of water. If the shade has already pulled a little more towards brown, the dehydrated condition is even more dangerous. “All the houses that have pregnant women, children and the elderly need to have this table attached to the bathroom because it generates a guide with these hydration conduits,” defends the UFMG physiologist.

Regarding physical activity, the physiologist, who worked at Cruzeiro for 10 years and also worked for Atlético and the Brazilian team, warns people to avoid the moments of greatest sun exposure. According to him, even in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the interesting thing is not exercising on very hot days.

If the practitioner wants to do some kind of activity, Eduardo Pimenta gives some advice. “Carrying out a pre-set hydration is essential. It is necessary to consume three to four liters of water during the day. You don’t need three liters in an hour. This intake must be adjusted ”. Another precaution is to choose light foods.

For those who have an elderly relative who lives alone, the physiologist recommends frequent follow-up. Signs like headache and changes in blood pressure are concerning for hyperthermia. “This phenomenon is much more shocking in countries with a colder climate. In Europe, it is very common, when these heat waves appear out of season, deaths of children and, mainly, of the elderly. For this reason, it is very important that close relatives control the hydration of the elderly ”, he explains.

Weather forecast

The dry weather and high temperatures put the Federal District on a red alert. Due to the passage of a heat wave, which caused the average temperature of the DF for the season (28 ° C) to rise 5 ° C for a period of more than five days.

“The consequence of the heat in the region is related to the high climatic variability during this period of the year. There is a very large atmospheric blockage, between Argentina and Rio Grande do Sul, which prevents the passage of the cold front ”, explains Francisco de Assis, Inmet meteorologist.

The forecast is that the warm weather will last until Friday (9/10) and, on the weekend, rains are expected. In addition to the Federal District, Mato Grosso, Goiás and Tocantins can be reached with temperatures of 40ºC.

Hot body

What is hyperthermia?
»Increased body temperature, which cannot dissipate absorbed heat

What are the symptoms?
»Dark or yellowish urine, headache, excessive sweating, and pressure changes.

How to avoid?
»Drink plenty of water, avoid exposure to the sun for a long time and control the color of your urine (lighter is synonymous with adequate hydration)

Who is in the risk group?
»Children, the elderly and pregnant women

Can you do physical activity?
»On very hot days, the ideal is to avoid exercise even in the hours without sun exposure. If you practice them, the recommended thing to do is prior hydration: consumption of three to four liters of water throughout the day

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