Wesley was released for threatening to kill Ferroviário’s player, coach explains – Play


The technician Marcelo vilar explained the exits of the Railway Tiago Costa, Wesley, Siloé, Magno and Olávio. The group was fired on the eve of the match against Treze, in a new choral defeat this Sunday (1st) for the Series C of the Brazilian Championship. The commander claimed that the situation was “untenable”, even with a death threat within the squad.

“There were different situations. Olávio asked to leave, private problems, he had to return to his city. Wesley, there was a serious problem with another player and he threatened to kill the athlete, he couldn’t continue with a situation like this in the squad. He was a boy whom I asked to sign, I gave him all the support, we knew about the problems he had and from the moment it happened, it was difficult to cross any board, within a cast of 35 players, one that threatens, “he said.

Wesley was the owner of Ferroviário under Marcelo Vilar

Lenílson Santos / Railroad

Regarding the rest of the list, Vilar pointed out that the reason was the relationship with the squad because the trio was “dissatisfied all the time”. Despite the 1-0 setback at the Domingão Stadium, in Horizonte, this Sunday (1st), the coach believes that the team could have achieved victory by performance on the field.

“A painful defeat for us because we did not have a brilliant game, but my analysis is that we played enough to win the game easily. The opponent had a submission and ended up winning. We looked for an explanation and we will see that we were incompetent Not scoring goals in Treze and walk away with victory ”, he declared.

The result was the fifth loss in the last seven games, with five rounds remaining for the end of the 1st Stage of Serie C. In the table, Tubarão da Barra parked at 17 points, leaving the G-4 for the first time after 13 games.

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