Weintraub without ethical limit: joke about the death of a woman by Covid-19


Abraham Weintraub, perhaps the most monstrous member of the Bolsonaro government, after himself, does not know the ethical limits and this Thursday morning he joked about the death of a woman in Ecuador by the coronavirus.

247 – The Minister of Education, Abraham Weintraub, mocked the testimony of a doctor who lost his mother-in-law, his patient, in the midst of the coronavirus epidemic in Ecuador. “One more suspicious death …” he wrote in a tweet on Thursday morning (23), pasting the image of a news article Folha de S.Paulo with the title “‘My mother-in-law was my patient. She died and I couldn’t do anything,’ says the doctor.”

Weintraub’s “joke” refers to this statement by Dr. Stenio Cevallos, head of the ICU of a hospital in Guayaquil, Ecuador:

“I answered case zero in the country, at the end of February. Since then, it has been a very hard day. I lost 7 kg. My life has changed, as a professional and as a person. I have been an intensivist for 30 years, I have been the head of several ICUs at the same time, I took it well. But now I am depressed.

Our ICU is full, all 19 beds are occupied by critically ill patients with Covid-19. The mortality rate of artificially intubated and ventilated patients is over 80%. It means that out of ten, only two survive. Imagine losing three or four patients with totally white lungs every day, unable to breathe.

My mother-in-law was my patient. My second mother Ella passed away. He only went out once, to go to the supermarket. And he never coughed, he had a fever, discomfort, we think it was dengue. He became serious, intubated, and died in five days. I am the head of the UCI and there was nothing I could do. That was very strong for me. “

See Weintraub’s tweet:

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