
Barra Beach RJ / Press release
The risk of isolated storms continues this Friday in Santa Catarina, Paraná, in the state of São Paulo and in parts of the Midwest with the maintenance of warm air in the region and the greater presence of humidity in the atmosphere. The displacement of a cold front through southern Brazil will also reinforce the instability with very localized nuclei of strong to severe instability capable of causing strong winds and hail.
Instability is likely to be greater in the north and northeast of Santa Catarina and over the state of Paraná, but in São Paulo there is also the possibility of storms in some places with heavy rains, lightning and wind. The city of São Paulo and the metropolitan area are at risk between this Friday and Saturday. The rain, which can be heavy in parts of eastern Paraná, should benefit the Curitiba region, which also has the risk of isolated storms.
The map above shows the rainfall projection shows the projection of the German weather model icon with the sum of the rainfall predicted by the simulation until 9am on Sunday morning. It is noted that the rain must also reach Rio de Janeiro with MetSul’s warning that it can be locally strong and voluminous due to the orographic effect generated by the wetter and colder wind coming from the ocean and that it can blow with sometimes strong gusts in the city of Rio.