‘We can no longer establish a forecast’, says the president of TRE-MG on the disclosure of results | 2020 elections in Minas Gerais


The president of the Regional Electoral Tribunal (TRE-MG), Judge Alexandre Victor de Carvalho, said, around 7:30 pm on Sunday (15), that there is no provision for the publication of election results in the state.

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“The time we predicted [para divulgação do resultado], if everything went the usual way, it was 9 pm, 9:30 pm. It happens that, with this slowness of the system, we can no longer establish a forecast. It will depend on whether the system normalizes, then it will be faster. If the system remains slow, we don’t know what time it is, “he said.

According to Carvalho, the delay in vote counting is occurring in all Brazilian states. “It’s slow on the system,” he said. According to him, the Superior Electoral Tribunal (TSE) is taking all measures to ensure that the system can be normalized.

At 7:59 pm, the last update on the TSE website, with data from Belo Horizonte, had been made at 5:59 pm. The Court reported that the totalization of votes continues at a normal rate. The delay, according to the agency, is in the disclosure.

According to the president of TRE-MG, 510 ballot boxes were replaced throughout the state, which corresponds to 1.15% of the equipment used at the voting tables. In Belo Horizonte, it was necessary to change 99 ballot boxes. Carvalho emphasized that it was not necessary to use paper voting in the state.

As for the events recorded by the security forces, the state had, until 7:30 p.m., 440 occurrences, according to Alexandre Victor de Carvalho. According to him, 385 were arrests or conduct, 58 of which were candidates.

Among the most common crimes are ballot boxes and illegal transportation of voters.

According to Alexandre Victor de Carvalho, the pandemic did not interfere with the advance of the elections in Minas. According to him, personal protective equipment was used in the best possible way and voters wore masks, as was the recommendation. The judge also noted that the TRE-MG was not informed about any case of voters who tried to vote without the protection article.

Regarding the abstention of voters from Minas Gerais, Carvalho said that it can only be counted once the results are added. He said that, in previous elections, the percentage was around 20%. According to data from the TSE, in 2016, abstention in Belo Horizonte was 21.66%.

It works like this: Elections 2020
