The mayor, Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), once again defended the regulation of the spending ceiling as part of the solution to the Brazilian fiscal situation, amid discussions about the creation of a revenue distribution program. , Citizen income. Maia’s statement came after a meeting with the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, and members of the so-called Administrative Front.
“People are looking for income to solve the spending ceiling of the Minimum Income, and it is not in the income that we are going to solve the problem of the Minimum Income, nor in the fiscal period, it is in cutting expenses, in expenses. No it makes sense to regulate the ceiling, because the resources saved, which are R $ 1 billion, R $ 2 billion, 10 billion, do not solve anything. Our expenses grow more than inflation, “he said.” And our spending grows every year after year “.
So let’s all go to the cliff together, if we don’t have the courage to face the problem
Rodrigo Maia, Mayor
Maia affirmed that the regulation of the ceiling is the number 1 urgency of Congress and Brazil.
“So I say that we need to regulate the cap, not because of the Citizen Income, but because of the need to regulate spending. So, this is the urgent number of the Senate, the Chamber, Brazil. We have to choose: if we are going to control expenses. … “, he pointed.
In August, President Jair Bolsonaro (without a party) even admitted that there were discussions within the government to break the spending ceiling, and affirmed, at that time, that respect for the ceiling is a “north” of his government. The financial market reacted badly with the information.
Despite acknowledging the discussions by members of the government, the president stressed that the intention to drill the ceiling was not carried out, and also questioned the reaction of the financial market to what he described as a “leak” of information. The president also demanded “patriotism” from market players.
“War budget”
In today’s event, the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, defended an amendment in the PEC (Proposal for Amendment to the Constitution) of the Federative Pact that opens the way to a “war budget.” This value would be used in the event of a new emergency, as happened this year, due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Peace between the powers
Maia and Guedes met today in the National Congress to reinforce the image of pacification.
The reunion took place three days after the “peace dinner” at the home of the TCU (Federal Court of Accounts) minister Bruno Dantas, organized precisely to try to unite the two and, above all, to unblock the advance of the interest of the government in Parliament. , like the new social program that should replace Bolsa Família.
The deputy and the minister had been waging public struggles, with negative consequences for the government. The expectation now is that the divergences will decrease. Even so, the priority guidelines that can be approved in 2020 in the Chamber remain undefined.
* With information from Estadão Content and report by Luciana Amaral, from UOL, in Brasilia.