Vote counting stopped in Pennsylvania’s largest city | 2020 U.S. elections


The counting of votes in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was interrupted after a request from the Democratic Party for the state Justice to make a decision on the role of observers in the process.

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Trump lawyer says he will sue Pennsylvania

Donald Trump’s campaign won one of the lawsuits he filed in state court: a court ruled on Thursday (5) that party observers should be able to come closer to monitor the counting process.

The lawsuit was filed on Wednesday (4).

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A man who appeared to be an observer for the Republican Party complained that he could not see information written on the outside of one of the ballots, according to court documents.

In the first instance, the court decided that observers cannot audit the ballots, only watch.

Pennsylvania is the largest of the states where the count has not yet ended. There are 20 delegates from the electoral college. Until this Thursday at 3:00 p.m., the race was in the following state:

  • Donald Trump: 50.32%
  • Joe Biden: 48.53%

That equates to a 115,000 vote lead for Trump. 88% of the votes were counted.

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