Videos show the moment when a lawyer shoots and kills a barber in Imbuí – Jornal CORREIO


The images from the security cameras of a kiosk in Imbuí show the moment when the barber Lucas Souza de Araújo, 29, is shot dead. The accused of the crime, the lawyer José Geraldo Lucas, 27, was arrested on Wednesday (27), as well as a friend of his, identified as Jean, who allegedly handed over the 9mm pistol used in the murder.

In the scenes, José Geraldo can be seen on the left, wearing a white blouse, talking to a boy in a black tank top. Lucas, in a red blouse, is at the right point in the scene with other people. Until the lawyer walks towards the group, apparently trying to hit someone. Then José Geraldo takes a step back and draws his gun, while Lucas and his brother, Lauro, head towards him. Someone throws a chair. The lawyer shoots and Lucas falls. Customers run. José Geraldo still picks up something on the ground and also leaves the place. Marisa, Lucas’s wife, returns to help him.

Another image, closer to Lucas, shows when the lawyer arrives and tries to throw a punch at Lauro, who manages to dodge him and throws a chair towards him, running afterwards. Lucas runs and leaves the scene; In this chamber, it is not possible to see the shots, but we see when the lawyer approaches and picks up the object from the ground.

The two suspects were arrested yesterday. Lucas’s brother, Lauro, recounts the crime. “He beat me, I was attacked by my brother’s murderer. I did nothing to him, my brother did nothing to him, my wife and my brother’s wife did nothing to him. Who did it was him. The cameras are there” , said. He says.

Lucas lived in São Cristóvão and had a hairdresser in Pernambués. He left behind an 8-year-old daughter and a 4-year-old daughter. The grandmother said that the grandchildren miss their father and still don’t understand what happened.

According to the Civil Police, the suspects’ clothing and the 9mm pistol used on the day of the crime were also presented to the DHPP. The two inmates will be questioned and underwent an injury examination. Police also said they had already requested images from the establishment’s cameras.

The crime took place in a kiosk next to the Carpa de la Zurca, in the Plaza del Canal. There was a lot of rush in the place. Lucas was at the bar with his wife, brother, and sister-in-law. When the women got up to go to the bathroom, one of the suspects was said to have “messed around” with his wife. Lucas then moved closer to get satisfaction, but the two struggled. Then the lawyer shot him.

Lucas was shot in the head and chest and died instantly. According to the 39th Independent Military Police Company (CIPM / Boca do Rio), on the night of the crime, the Integrated Communications Center (Cicom) called the unit’s military police after receiving information about firearms shots. At the scene, the team already found the victim dead and isolated the area to gain experience.

(Photo: Playback)

The suspect’s lawyer told TV Record that the client is authorized to carry a weapon and that the crime “was an isolated incident.” “It was an isolated event in his life, he never had a problem, then it will not be like that. Unfortunately he is being accused of this fatality, we cannot accuse him, I am here to seek an answer about a punishment within the rigors of the law, where the most broad right of defense, “said Antônio Glorisman. José Geraldo and his friend Jean were arrested on Wednesday (27).

Lucas’s brother used social media to mourn the young man’s death. “There is no greater pain than the pain of a brother, a father and a mother. You understood me, we were one flesh and blood,” Lauro wrote. “Before you died, you said that good people die early, you said you loved me, you called my father, my brother Leo, you said you loved Marisa and you kissed my wife’s hand as goodbye,” he continued. “You are trapped in my heart. I love you, my brother.”

(Photo: Playback)