Images from a surveillance camera of an establishment on the beach of Itapema, on the north coast, show the exact moment when lightning struck the 47-year-old real estate agent Fabrício Corrêa Gasparetto.
Gasparetto running on the beach with a friend when the case occurred, around 7pm, in the Meia Praia neighborhood, near Rua 231, on Friday (2).
The authenticity of the video was confirmed to NSC TV by the city council, which analyzed the location that appears in the images. Gasparetto was running on the beach at night with a friend when he was beaten.
Video shows the moment when a man is struck by lightning in Itapema – Photo: Playback / NSC TV
Lightning was recorded by a security camera in Itapema – Photo: Playback / NSC TV
THE runner had a cardiorespiratory arrestHe was transferred to the Santo Antônio Hospital, but he did not resist.
The victim was veiled and cremated on Saturday (3). The death caused a great commotion in the city. On social media, friends mourned the loss. He left a wife and three children.
According to firefighters, it is not possible to say if the friend accompanying Gasparetto was hit directly or indirectly, but he was disoriented.
Also according to the corporation, the friend, whose identity was not disclosed, was treated by the Mobile Emergency Service (Samu) and is fine.
After a record hot day, Santa Catarina had storms at the end of Friday (2) and the Itapema region was hit by a lot of lightning.
The Fire Department recommends that people avoid staying on the beaches when the site begins to register electric shocks.
See in the video below how to protect yourself from lightning and what places to avoid in case of storms:
Learn how to protect yourself from lightning in storms
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