According to the Fire Department, the man suffered a cardiorespiratory arrest and was transferred to the Santo Antônio Hospital, but died
Real estate agent Fabrício Corrêa Gasparetto, 47, died last Friday night (2) after being struck by lightning in Itapema, Santa Catarina, while running along the beach with a friend. The moment was recorded by a surveillance camera of an establishment that works near the place.
Real estate agent Fabrício Corrêa Gasparetto, 47, died last Friday night (2) after being struck by lightning in Itapema, Santa Catarina, while running along the beach with a friend. The moment was recorded by a surveillance camera pic.twitter.com/xZAgohbXlZ
– Time (@otempo) October 6, 2020
The video was obtained by NSC TV, an affiliate of Rede Globo, and the city council confirmed the authenticity of the images. According to the Fire Department, the man suffered a cardiorespiratory arrest and was transferred to the Santo Antônio Hospital, but died.
His body was veiled and cremated last Saturday (3). It is not known if Gasparetto’s friend was struck by lightning, but the man was found disoriented. Despite this, he was treated by a unit of the Mobile Emergency Care Service (SAMU) and he is doing well.