Vatican confirms the case of Covid in the residence of Santa Marta, where Pope Francis lives | World


The Vatican announced on Saturday (17) that a resident of the Santa Marta residence, where Pope Francis also lives, was diagnosed with Covid-19 and placed in isolation. The man, who has not been identified, is asymptomatic and all his contacts have also been isolated.

Is it is not the first case in the residence that houses cardinals and members of the clergy in more than 130 rooms and suites. In March, another resident tested positive for coronavirus during the height of the pandemic in Italy.

  • Italy tightens restrictions to contain the rise of Covid-19
  • Countries impose measures to try to contain the new wave of infections

According to the Vatican, Pope Francis is regularly tested for Covid and it will normally fulfill its official schedule this Saturday. The Argentine had part of his lung removed due to an infection when he was younger.

Francisco attended three private hearings this morning and received a group of Italian policemen. Last week, four members of the Swiss Guard, the elite force that protects the Pope, tested positive for Covid.

Three other Vatican residents, who were recently diagnosed with the coronavirus, have recovered, according to a statement released Saturday. THE Vatican City is a small city-state in the center of Rome..

People wear a mask in front of the Colosseum in Rome on October 13. Restriction measures reinforced by the country for Covid-19 – Photo: Guglielmo Mangiapane / Reuters

On Friday (16), Italy registered 10,010 new cases of coronavirus in just 24 hours. That was the highest daily count since the outbreak began in the country and the previous record had been on Thursday (15), when the country recorded 8,804 new infections.

The Italian Health Ministry also reported 55 coronavirus-related deaths, compared with 83 the day before. THE the number is much lower than that recorded at the height of the pandemic in Italy (March and April), when a daily peak of more than 900 deaths was reached.

Italy was the first country in Europe to be hit by Covid-19 and has the second highest death toll on the continent after Great Britain: 36,427 deaths, according to official data.

The Italian government imposed new restrictions on gatherings, restaurants, sports and school activities on Tuesday (13) in an attempt to curb the rise in infections.

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