Vasco’s election: Salgado wins the online election this Saturday; Justice will decide who will be the president | Basque


The financial market businessman Jorge Salgado, 73, beat Julio Brant in Vasco’s online election held this Saturday. The election is one more chapter in the tumultuous electoral process of the São Januário club. Despite the result, the election will continue in court.

The total of votes was: 3,054, distributed as follows:

Jorge Salgado: 1682
Julius Brant: 1326
White: 11
Null: 35

With fights between presidents of powers and legal disputes since before the election, there are two sub judice voting results. Salgado, victorious this weekend, in the online voting. And Luiz Roberto Leven Siano, the most voted in the face-to-face elections on November 7.

Salgado held the vote, but said he will await the developments in court:

– I’ll hand it over to our legal department to resolve it. From the beginning, I always said that we comply with a judicial decision, acting according to the rules of the game. I will not deviate from this principle. If there is a decision, we will discuss it in court.

Salgado celebrates victory in Vasco – Photo: Disclosure / Más Vasco

Leven’s Lawyer: “Let’s go back to last Saturday’s situation”

On the website of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) it was published at 10:10 p.m. this Saturday – moments before the favorable result for Salgado – that the appeal of the candidate Luiz Roberto Leven Siano was “offered”, with a sentence of ” retraction”.

Subsequently, Leven Siano published a cry of “Vasco” on his social networks, and one of his lawyers, Wadih Damous, affirmed that this decision represents the validation of the results obtained on the last day 7.

– Returning to the situation of last Saturday (November 7). There was an election, the decision was made that guaranteed the election on Saturday. The STJ reinstated the mandate of that decision of the First Civil Chamber of Rio de Janeiro, and the president-elect of the Vasco da Gama Club de Regatas is called Luiz Roberto Leven Siano – said Wadih.

How were the elections this Saturday?

Unlike what happened the previous weekend, in São Januário, where there was confusion and suspension of the election during the electoral process, the voting this Saturday -90% carried out directly through the internet- was calm. The vote could be cast remotely or at the Calabouço headquarters in downtown Rio.

Last weekend, five candidates ran: Alexandre Campello, current president; Luiz Roberto Leven Siano, who finished as the most voted; Sérgio Frias, Jorge Salgado and Julio Brant. The former waived the online claim to give “exemption from the process.” Leven and Frías left because they understood that the election was resolved last Saturday

Leven Siano, the most voted in the São Januário election, which occurred last Saturday, tried to acknowledge his victory since last Thursday, when he appealed to the Superior Court of Justice and requested reconsideration of the decision of the president of the STJ that suspended the legal effects of the face-to-face election. He also applied for a court order in the same court and went to the Federal Supreme Court. In the STF, however, the process was not followed after a decision by Minister Cármen Lúcia.

Hours earlier, members of the General Assembly board of directors attempted to contest the claim online. Roberto Monteiro (president of the Deliberative Council), Silvio Godói (president of the Council of Beneméritos), Alicides Martins (deputy of the General Assembly) and Rafael Landa (member of the Fiscal Council) do not recognize the election this Saturday. The president of the General Assembly, Faues Cherene Jassus, the Mussa, opposed the others.

Understand the controversy in the election of Vasco

On Friday night (6/11), the Justice determined that Vasco’s election had to be held the following morning, Saturday (7/11). The election began at 9:55 a.m. and was expected to end at 10 p.m. However, early in the evening, a decision by the president of the STJ, Humberto Martins, ordered the suspension of the vote.

Even with the STJ decision, the board of directors of the General Assembly decided to continue the election. Shortly after 10 p.m., with members still in line to vote, the lights in São Januário went out and voting was closed. Initially, the ballot boxes were sealed. However, the board of directors of the General Assembly could not find a place to leave them and decided to count at 2:00 am.

At that time, only supporters of the candidates Leven Siano and Sérgio Frias remained at the headquarters. Supporters of Alexandre Campello, Jorge Salgado and Julio Brant had already left, as were all three candidates. Leven Siano was the most voted.

Basque Banner – Photo: Disclosure
