Vasco reaches an agreement with Independiente for Benítez and tries to raise funds with fans and sponsors | Basque


Vasco reached an agreement with Independiente for the purchase of Benítez. In a videoconference this Wednesday morning, President Alexandre Campello aligned the last details with the Argentine leaders to buy jersey 10. This does not mean that the negotiation is concluded.

With defined values ​​and payment method, Vasco requested a period of approximately two weeks to raise funds. With no cash available for a high investment, the club will ask sponsors for help and intends to campaign with the fans to keep the number 10.

Benítez, International x Vasco – Photo: Rafael Ribeiro / Vasco

– It has come a long way, we are aligned. We have a period of about 15 days to configure the operation and requirements, such as guarantees and resources. We have reached an agreement on numbers and form of payment.

– We try to make the resources viable with our partners, through marketing and with the fans themselves. The idea is to involve sponsors and fans. This is our project – revealed President Alexandre Campello, in contact with give.

Campello did not reveal the values ​​of the negotiation. Last week, in contact with ge, the sports director of Independiente, Jorge Damiani, said that the offer is US $ 4 million (R $ 22 million) for 60% of the jersey 10. The first delivery US $ 2, 5 million (just over R $ 14 million) would be paid that year. The rest would be paid in 2021, in two installments.
