The interconnection work was completed, but he had a problem at the end of the night; there is still no forecast to normalize the supply in the city
By Leonardo Oliveira
Oct 07, 2020 at 06:33 • Last updated Oct 07, 2020 at 07:45
Link to the article: https://liberal.com.br/laciones/americana/problema-em-valvula-interrompe-retomada-do-abastecimento-em-americana-1329594/
The resumption of the water supply in Americana was interrupted on Tuesday night (6) after the rupture of a valve that is part of the interconnection of the new raw water intake from the Piracicaba River.
The work was already finished when, around 10:40 pm, the valve had problems and broke, flooding the entire control box. At 11pm the raw water supply began to be drained.
This process was completed at 2 am to remove all the water from the box, in addition to removing approximately 54 screws to install a blind flange, a “plug,” to contain the leak.
Until the publication of this report, Artec, responsible for the work, was completing the removal of the screws.
The Piracicaba river water intake has been interrupted since 6:00 am on Tuesday to carry out the interconnection service for the new work. As a result, a widespread shortage was already anticipated in the city, now exacerbated by this leak.
There is no forecast for the normalization of the water supply in the city.