USP and Unicamp rise in the world rankings, but Brazil is out of the top 200 – 02/09/2020


USP (University of São Paulo) and Unicamp (University of the State of Campinas) improved their ranking in one of the main university rankings in the world, the Times Higher Education, published today. Still, Brazil does not have a university in the top 200; most institutions are even below the top thousand group.

Best located in the country in this ranking for at least nine years, USP rose from position 251-300, last year, to 201-250; of 200, placement is done in groups. Unicamp, listed below, went from 501-600 to 401-500.

Another 44 Brazilian institutions that appear on the list, however, were parked and maintained the same position as the previous edition.

In addition to the improvements in the USP and Unicamp rankings, the only changes were due to the entry of six institutions into this year’s ranking.

Of the debuting universities, only the UFS (Federal University of Sergipe) appears in the top 10 in Brazil. The other five – UFJF (Federal University of Juiz de Fora), UFMA (Federal University of Maranhão), UFPB (Federal University of Paraíba), UFPI (Federal University of Piauí) and UFU (Federal University of Uberlândia) – are within the range of 1,001+.

For this ranking of the British publication THE, 1,527 universities from 93 countries and regions around the world were evaluated. In the last edition, there were 1,396 institutions from 92 countries. Criteria such as teaching, research, citations, international vision, and knowledge transfer to industry are used as performance indicators for universities.

Brazil is the sixth most represented country

With 52 institutions on the list, Brazil is the sixth most represented country, ahead of countries like Italy and Spain. European countries, on the other hand, score higher. The best Spanish institution, the Pompeu Fabra University appears in position 152. The best-located Italian university is the University of Bologna, which is ranked 167.

Among the Brazilian universities that appear in the ranking, 35 are federal, 11 are state and 6 are private.

In July of this year, a specific publication of THE for Latin America placed PUC-Chile (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) ahead of USP and Unicamp. In the world ranking, the Chilean institution appears behind the universities of São Paulo, in the range 501-600. This is because the analyzes take into account different weightings for the same criterion, depending on what the publication considers most relevant for the regionality.

World’s greatest

The United States dominates the world’s top 10 list, but remains out of the top. As in the previous edition, the ranking is led by the University of Oxford, United Kingdom. Among the eight US institutions that appear in the top 10 are Stanford University (2nd), Harvard University (3rd) and the California Institute of Technology (4th).

Regarding the top 200, the highest representation is from the United States (59), followed by the United Kingdom (29) and Germany (21).

For the first time since THE adopted its current methodology for this ranking, in 2011, an Asian institution appears in the top 20. The Tsinghua University of China is ranked 20th in this edition of the ranking.

“We have seen Asia rise in this world ranking for many years, but this year there is an important milestone, with Tsinghua University breaking the traditional dominance of Western universities at the top of the ranking, entering the top 20 for the first time. , at the same time that China doubles its representation in the top 100 “, says Phil Baty, editor in charge of the publication, according to the official text of the ranking.

China, which in the previous edition occupied three positions in the top 100 of the ranking, now occupies six. In addition to Tsinghua University, Peking University (23), Fudan University (70), China University of Science and Technology (87), Zhejiang University (94) and Shanghai Jiao Tong University ( 100) appear in the top 100).

In total, 16 Asian universities are in the top 100 of the ranking, the highest number of institutions in the region since the beginning of the list.

In this edition, THE did not provide a specific analysis report on Brazil or Latin America.
