The election of the United States, which takes place this Tuesday (3), could become the event that will raise the most money in gambling in history.
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Matthew Shaddick, head of the Ladbrokes Coral group’s political gambling section, told The Guardian newspaper that the entire industry is expected to process $ 7.46 billion.
According to the English newspaper “Daily Mail”, a man made a bet of 29 million dollars for Trump. According to the tabloid report, the player works in the financial market and spoke to people on Trump’s committee. The bet was made in Curaçao, says the text.
One person bet R $ 7.46 million for Biden, according to the Betfair Exchange platform.
Bets will be accepted until the winner is announced.
The expectation in a single platform is that the total amount reaches almost R $ 3 billion, double the value of 2016.
Biden is the favorite at the bookmakers
For people gambling money on the dispute over the United States government, Donald Trump’s chances of reelection increased on Tuesday, according to the British website Betfair Exchange.
On the eve of elections, Donald Trump and Joe Biden hold rallies in decisive states
The probability of victory for a Republican candidate has increased from 35% to 39%.
- 2020 US elections; PHOTOS
Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden is the favorite, but on the betting platform his chances have dropped from 65% to 61%.
On another platform, Smarkets, bettors give Trump a 38% chance. In 2016, he was considered more of a loser – they thought the probability of him taking it was 17%.
Biden leads the polls, but in the “battlefield” states, he has less slack.