Uruguay restricts entry to the country until January 10 to contain the advance of the covid


Uruguay restricts entry to the country until January 10 to contain the advance of the covid

The president of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou, in Montevideo, on October 22, 2020 – AFP

The president of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou, announced on Wednesday (16) new measures to try to contain the increase in cases of COVID-19, including the restriction of entry to the country between December 21 and January 10.

Uruguayans who have already purchased passage and freight transportation will, however, be exempt from this measure, which may have even more negative effects in a summer season that was already very negative for tourism.

“It is with regret that we made the decision to suspend entry to the country between December 21 and January 10 (…), which costs us a lot because we know that thousands of Uruguayans are returning to the country on vacation to visit their families ”, informed the president in a press conference.

So far, the country has allowed Uruguayans, residents or for work or family reasons, to enter abroad, among other exceptions.

Other announcements were the suspension of public shows until January 10, the regulation of the right of assembly and the ratification of the closure of bars and restaurants at midnight.

Parliament must debate the decrees issued by the government to implement these measures.

“The second wave in the world is our first wave,” Lacalle Pou explained, noting that the number of covid-19 cases in Uruguay is still much lower than in other countries.

However, since last month, Uruguay has experienced exponential growth in covid-19 cases, with 10,893 infections and 102 deaths from the disease in a population of 3.4 million people. In the last 24 hours, 476 new infections and four deaths were registered in the country, the highest number since March, according to official data.

Earlier Wednesday, members of the Honorary Scientific Advisory Group (GACH), an advisory body made up of experts, told a press conference that if the trend does not change, “the country will enter the red zone” on December 26.

Until June, Uruguay had several consecutive days without new cases, but since October, and especially since November, infections began to skyrocket, reaching a record 533 on December 13.

Lacalle Pou once again ruled out any possibility of sanctioning the mandatory confinement, a measure that his government never ordered, and said he was convinced that Uruguayans “will react” to the new situation.

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