Urgent! Government announces new projection of minimum wage for 2021


After reviewing the estimate of the National Consumer Price Index (INPC), the government expects a further increase in minimum salary, which can go from the current R $ 1,045 to R $ 1,087.85 in 2021. Therefore, the value of the national floor may be slightly higher than what has already been projected.

Previously, the forecast pointed to an amount of R $ 1,069.55. However, with the growth of the INPC from 2.35% to 4.10%, another readjustment of the minimum wage was necessary. If approved by Congress, the new amount will be implemented in January and will begin to be paid in early February next year.

Increase without real profit

The calculation of the national floor will be carried out solely based on this year’s inflation projections. This means that raising the minimum wage will not be actual earnings, but only to preserve purchasing power.

This is the third time that the government changes the projection of the national floor. In April, for example, the minimum wage for 2021 would be set at R $ 1,079, since the INPC was expected to be 3.27%. However, on August 31, the amount was reduced to R $ 1,067, as inflation fell.

Therefore, it is important to note that it is not possible to determine an exact minimum wage for 2021, since inflation can still change during this year. Therefore, the increase to R $ 1,087.85 is only a forecast.

Calculation based on inflation

The correction of the minimum wage, between 2007 and 2019, was made based on Law 13,152, which established the readjustment of the value based on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of two previous years and the variation in inflation. Thus, the wage increase occurred whenever there was economic growth.

However, in 2019, the current government ended the policy of readjusting the minimum wage with real gains. In this way, the national floor is limited to following the determination of the Constitution, which defends the preservation of the purchasing power of citizens.

Financial help

With this method, the government guarantees financial relief, since the salary increase automatically adjusts the welfare and social security benefits. It is estimated that the increase of R $ 1 in salary generates an expense of more than R $ 355 million per year in the public coffers.

According to data from the Inter-Union Department of Statistics and Socioeconomic Studies (Dieese), more than 49 million Brazilians live on a minimum wage. But the agency says that the monthly remuneration must be more than R $ 4 thousand per month and not R $ 1,045, the current value.

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