URGENT: Citizen Income can remove 3 million families from the program! SEE!


At the moment, the Government seeks to fit the Citizen income, a program that will replace Bolsa Família, in Budget. The government has struggled to find a solution to adapt the new revenue program. Now, the estimate of people who will receive services in the new benefit is considered to decrease.

In Congress, government leaders discussed a proposal that would reach 6 million more families in the program. Currently, there are more than 14 million in Bolsa Família.

The data were announced by Senator Márcio Bittar (MDB-AC), rapporteur for the 2021 Budget and the proposals of the Federal and Emergency Pact, created by the government to cut expenses.

“We are working to guarantee income for more than 20 million families,” he wrote.

However, the new Renta Ciudadana is expected to have approximately half of the announced expansion. Therefore, the program should have 3 million more families registered and no more than 6 million.

The number considers an average of just over three people per family. This would bring the new audience to almost 10 million people. The discussion now is to raise the average amount of Bolsa Família from R $ 190 to R $ 240.

To expand the program to another 3 million, the Government would have to disburse R $ 49.5 billion per year, or R $ 17.5 billion more than the current budget for the program.


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Family scholarship

  • ? Served: 14.2 million families
  • Amount paid: R $ 190 (on average)
  • Original budget in 2020: R $ 32 billion

Emergency help

  • Served: 67.2 million people (until August)
  • Amount paid: R $ 600 from April to August and R $ 300 from September to December (single mothers receive double)
  • Budget in 2020: R $ 321.8 billion

Citizen income (previous forecast)

  • Served: 20 million families
  • Amount paid: around R $ 240
  • Budget: R $ 57.6 billion?

Citizen income (new forecast under discussion)

  • Served: at least 17.2 million families
  • Amount paid: around R $ 240
  • Budget: at least R $ 49.5 billion?

See also: Payment of aid EXTENDED between R $ 261.25 and R $ 1,813.03
