Understand what happens to Christians if Kim Jong-un dies


Faced with constant news of Covid-19’s action around the world, the US network CNN alarmed everyone with the news that current North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was in a critical situation after submitting to cardiac surgery.

According to the television channel, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the National Security Council are monitoring the dictator’s situation. Since 2002, the country has been a champion in the persecution of Christians and therefore ranks first on the 2020 World Persecution List.

As Kim Jong-un is considered a god in the territory and there is no freedom of the press, news about the family is under control. “The North Korean government will only announce bad news if there is no way to deny it and so far has been silent on Kim Jong-un’s health,” an Open Doors spokesperson explains.

In similar situations in the past, communist authorities responded to speculation with propaganda messages. But the absence of a response may indicate that something is happening.

The North Korean dictator likely underwent heart surgery at a hospital in Hyangsang on April 12. His recovery is expected to be in a town near the capital Pyongyang. Both the hospital and the village are for the exclusive use of the Kim family. The news site Daily NK, led by North Koreans living outside the country, said several doctors are dedicated exclusively to caring for the leader.

Who would replace Kim Jong-un?

Kim Yo-Jong (Reproduction)

All of North Korea’s current leadership needs to show loyalty to the Kim family and this makes the regime dependent on it. If Kim Jong-un died, his children would still be too young to take control of the country.

So despite society being Confucian and male-led, Sister Kim Yo-Jong would be the nation’s next dictator. However, there would be great possibilities for the creation of a collective leadership, among Kim’s youngest and other political figures, such as Vice Marshal Choe Ryong-hae.

The North Korean army is the son and former defense minister and has always been active in politics from a young age. In the late 1990s, he fell out of favor with leaders for selling scrap metal to foreign buyers without formal permission. It is believed that it was another sister of Kim Jong-Il, Kim Kyong-Hui, who saved his life.

After Kim Jong-Il’s death in 2011, Choe played an important role in keeping the Kim family in power. Despite the suspicion of his arrest in 2014, he somehow returned to power and is today one of the most important leaders in the country.

Kim Yo-jong is the younger sister of the current dictator, and she is reported to be married to Vice Marshal Choe’s son. She serves as an alternate member of the Politburo (executive committee of communist parties) and as deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Korean Workers’ Party (WPK). The ties between her and her brother tightened as they studied together in Switzerland.

At the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea, he debuted on the world stage and was the first person in the Kim family to visit the neighboring country. Kim Yo-jong has already attended a meeting with South Korean President Moon Jae-in and was a diplomat during the meetings with US President Donald Trump.

What would be the impact on Christians?

North Korean children. (Open doors)

When Kim Jong-Il died in 2011, there were conflicts in the country’s leadership over the return of the balance. The uncle, Jang Song-thaek, and the current governor’s mentor were killed.

“A sudden loss of Kim Jong-un, the supreme leader, would likely lead to revolt and chaos, at least at the top,” the contributor guarantees.

However, the changes that Christians would feel would be the increase of social control. “The weaker the leader, the more he needs to exercise an iron fist policy to ensure that people stay online,” he adds.

By taking over the country’s leadership in his early thirties, Kim Jong-un was discredited by many generals and politicians, but he worked on his public image and tried to look more like his grandfather; but in the meantime, control over the population increased.

“A new leader will have to do the same, certainly if she is an apparently charming young woman. We believe that the situation of Christians and others considered enemies of the State remains fragile, ”says the analyst.

Portas Abertas does not expect significant changes in the short term; Unfortunately, the followers of Jesus will be oppressed and will continue to seek help in projects carried out in China with Christians from North Korea.

“Right now, our radio shows are a great source of encouragement to our secret brothers and sisters,” says the contributor.

What if the North Korean system collapsed?

China has deployed an army of 200,000 soldiers on the border with North Korea, for future interventions, if necessary. Therefore, the neighboring country must try to take control. But there is a distant chance of reunification with South Korea, but that would be possible if the government system declares bankruptcy and China abandons the annexation of the territory.

“China can only allow this if the US military withdraws forces from the Korean peninsula or at least does not deploy troops in the north. And any government cannot be hostile against Asian power, of course, “he explains.

When would the persecution of Christians end?

As long as the Kim family is in power in North Korea, there will always be persecution of Christians. The current regime believes that Christianity threatens absolute power, so much so that they released a propaganda film titled “The Footprint of the Anti-Revolution of Shamanic Religion and Religious Superstition.”

It is used to indoctrinate the population and warn of the danger that secret Christians offer.
