Understand the end of Rescue, Chris Hemsworth on Netflix


Redemption It was a bet of Netflix that took everyone by surprise. The long role Chris Hemsworth has an action in the style John wick and a story captivating enough to leave the audience with the flea behind the ear in the final scene. After all, what happened there?


To understand what happened in the last scene, we must first go back a little, to the moment of the bridge. After eliminating the corrupt cops, Tyler (Hemsworth) manages to make the boy cross the bridge safely. However, this comes at a price and is completely weakened. When doing a final survey to see if he finds someone else, he also decides to make the crossing, but is surprised with a shot in the back. Weak, falls off the bridge and everyone believes that was his end. However, the final scene of the film surprised everyone.

As soon as the boy returns to his school, he decides to go to a pool and jump into the water. When he returns to the surface, he sees a figure similar to Tyler’s and, most likely, was himself at the time. He would be alive and the answer to how he managed to do it is at the beginning of the movie.

Many were concerned that the fall of the bridge would have killed Tyler, but at the beginning of the film it shows that he has great resistance to falling into the water when he decides to jump off a cliff on his own. Even wounded, he could still survive and, although part of his team takes the boy to a safe place, another would be in charge of helping him out of the river.

Redemption It was a critical and public success, so above all, the Netflix It won’t allow a potential franchise to end soon. A sequel is very likely to happen, and if confirmed, we expect action scenes as intense as the first movie.
