UFC president admits mistake in letting Anderson Silva fight – Play


Anderson Silva lost his last UFC fight to Jamaican Uriah Hall on Saturday night. After the fight, UFC president Dana White spoke sadly about the result, regretting allowing the Brazilian to say goodbye.

“It is up to me to decide, and he retires. He still has a fight on the contract, but he made a deal with me. Before this contract was signed, he agreed with me that this would be the last fight and that he would withdraw. We have a deal. I’ve already given him more fights than I should have. In fact, I feel bad. I don’t feel good about myself because of the struggles I gave him. Anderson should have retired earlier, ”he said.

“The boy is a legend of the sport and in this company and it was difficult for me to say ‘no’ to him. But now we have an agreement. I didn’t like watching him fight today. It saddens me to see the result ”.

Dana also said that if the opponent had been someone else, Anderson could have had much more serious problems.
“He faced a guy who showed absolutely no aggression. In a five-round main event on national television, this guy threw 11 punches. If he had faced any of the other monsters, he would be in serious trouble, he would get a lot of truth. Uriah Hall is one of the less aggressive guys in the UFC. And Anderson could barely get up to give the interview. He had to do the interview sitting down. I made a big mistake by letting you fight today. I knew he was right and that has been proven today. I should never fight again, “he concluded.

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