Two die in confrontation with PF during operation against drug trafficking at Viracopos airport | Campinas and Region


Two people died in confrontation with the Federal Police this Tuesday morning (6) for a Operation against international drug trafficking through the Viracopos Airport, in Campinas (SP), reported the corporation. The PF did not say where the deaths occurred.

Throughout, 44 search and seizure warrants and 35 temporary arrest warrants are executed in the states of São Paulo, Mato Grosso, Amazonas and Rio Grande do Norte.

The operation, which was called Overload, has the support of the Civil, Military, Road, and Federal Prosecutor’s Office, as well as the internal affairs of the PM. The airport is the largest cargo terminal in Brazil. The Aeroportos Brasil Viracopos concessionaire, which manages the structure, informed the G1 who collaborated with the investigations.

According to the investigation, the criminal organization is made up of Brazilians, who were responsible for the supply of cocaine that would be exported to Europe. In addition, the group recruited airport employees to interfere on behalf of the gang in the logistics activities of the terminal.

Federal Police comply with court orders against international drug trafficking organization – Photo: Eduardo Rodrigues / EPTV

Investigations began in February, with the seizure of 58 kilograms of cocaine in the restricted security area of ​​the terminal before boarding. Among those arrested, you are a military policeman and a civilian policeman.

After the act, the Federal Police mapped the criminal network, identifying the respective leaders, the people with whom they were related and the process used in the export of large quantities of cocaine, from the airport, to the European continent. The gang also operated to hide the profits made from criminal practice.

Still according to the investigation, among the employees and former outsourced airport employees who work with the gang are security guards, tractor operators, traffic coordinators, vehicle drivers, ramp attendants, equipment operators and employees of companies supplying vehicles. foods. crew and passengers, responsible for the drug shipment scheme on foreign-bound aircraft.

The Federal Police reported that the group had a “complex and sophisticated performance, made up of three pillars:

  • Group of external operators: people who did not belong to the airport staff and were responsible for dealing with foreign investors and traffickers, as well as attracting airport employees;
  • Group of internal operators: recruited airport employees who carry out their activities in the security restricted area, especially in functions that involve loading and unloading of aircraft and their movements;
  • Group of foreign operators: traffickers on European soil responsible for removing the cocaine exported from the Viracopos International Airport.

Aerial view of the Viracopos International Airport, in Campinas – Photo: Ricardo Lima / Disclosure

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