Tunico Maciel rider dies at age 26 after suffering an accident at Sertões – 11/09/2020


The driver Antônio Luís Maciel Filho, known as Tunico Maciel, passed away today, in São Luis (MA), at the age of 26, after suffering a serious accident in a race of the Sertões International Rally. The two-time Brazilian rally champion entered the Hospital Centro de la UDI and could not resist his injuries.

Tunico was the victim of a very serious accident, with severe head trauma and, despite the excellent care he received at the place and that makes a difference, he arrived at the hospital in a very serious condition. Unfortunately, he evolved to brain death, and today he was dead, “explained Dr. Augusto César Passanezi, director of the UDI Center Hospital sports.

“The UDI Hospital regrets the death of the patient Antônio Luís Maciel Filho this Monday morning. The Hospital is in solidarity with family and friends for this irreparable loss, ”the hospital wrote in an official note.

Tunico suffered a serious fall yesterday during one of the stages of the Sertões International Rally. The accident occurred 62 kilometers from the start of the 223 kilometer race, between Bacabal and Barreirinhas in Maranhão. The competitor was transferred by helicopter to the São Luis hospital.

The first to find Tunico Maciel was the pilot Ricardo Martins, who soon unleashed the rescue of the competition. The medical team quickly arrived at the scene and provided first aid.

Rally dos Sertões made a video to honor the pilot. “It is with immense sadness Sertões receives the news of the death of the pilot Tunico Maciel. The two-time champion of the race did not withstand the injuries suffered in an accident in the last special of Sertões 2020. To his family, colleagues and closest friends of Tunico our solidarity and our prayers. The Sertões Family is in mourning, “the organization wrote.

Born in Lavras (MG), Tunico Maciel was a great bet for Honda Racing. He was one of the young riders of the new generation of Regularidade Cross Country Rally and Enduro. The team mourned the death of the competitor.

“Honda Racing Rally deeply regrets the passing of the pilot Tunico Maciel and offers its condolences to his family and fans and to the athlete. (…) An example of a person for his charisma and character, Tunico was an extremely skilled and dedicated pilot. team since 2015, won two titles in the Sertões and the recent second Brazilian championship of Rally Coss Country. The motorcycle community is in mourning. For the eternal champion, Tunico Maciel, our respect and gratitude, “wrote the team.

This was the second death in two days in Brazilian motorsport. Yesterday the 23-year-old pilot Matheus Barbosa passed away after suffering a severe accident at the Interlagos circuit, for the fifth stage of the Superbike Brasil. Fatality ends an upward trajectory on the tracks. Born in Anápolis-GO, the pilot played his fourth season in the championship. It made its debut in the main 1000cc motorcycle division in 2020 and won three titles in lower categories in previous years: in 300cc (2017 and 2018) and 600cc (2019).
