TSE says WhatsApp banned more than 1,000 accounts for mass shootings during the election period | Elections 2020


The Superior Electoral Court (TSE) published a note on Thursday (19) in which it reported that the messaging application WhatsApp banned 1,004 accounts after reports of mass shootings between September 27 and December 15.

The period reported by the court includes the beginning of the electoral propaganda and the first round of the municipal elections.

The launching of massive messages is prohibited and punished in the electoral sphere because the Justice understands that it has the potential to affect the balance of the dispute between the candidates.

The banned accounts were reported on the platform maintained by TSE and WhatsApp, created to try to combat the spread of false content, the so-called fake news. TSE also has agreements with other social media companies.

Overall, the TSE reported having received through this channel 4,759 reports. Furthermore, the court reported:

  • 4,630 reports were sent for WhatsApp analysis;
  • 3,236 complaints were effectively analyzed;
  • 1,004 accounts were banned after the scan;
  • 129 complaints were dismissed for not being related to the elections.

Listen to the special episode of the podcast The issue on elections, social media and misinformation:
