Minister Luís Felipe Salomão, of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), released for trial an electoral judicial investigation action that calls for the impeachment of the list formed by President Jair Bolsonaro and Vice President Hamilton Mourão.
Solomon currently holds the position of Election Inspector General. On paper, he becomes the reporter for such actions. Now it is up to the president of the TSE, Minister Luís Roberto Barroso, to set the date of the trial.
In the action, the Brasil Soberano coalition, formed by PDT and Avante and which had Ciro Gomes as a candidate for the presidency, requested the removal of the fine for alleged irregularities in the hiring of the mass shooting service through the messaging application WhatsApp during the day. Campaign 2018.
Bolsonaro denies that there have been irregularities in the electoral campaign.
The Bolsonaro-Mourão blackboard is the target of two other actions, with similar accusations, linked to alleged mass shootings of messages.
However, these processes, presented by the O Povo Feliz de Novo coalition, made up of PT, PCdoB and PROS, whose presidential candidate was Fernando Haddad, await a decision on the request for exchange of investigation data in the Supreme Court Federal (STF). about spreading fake news.
This year the TSE already analyzed other actions against the Bolsonaro-Mourão banknote. In June, the ministers submitted a request to remove the plaque due to irregular billboards.