Trump accepts transition to US Biden


Montage with photos of Trump and Biden, both facing to the side


Trump ushered in a formal transition to the Biden administration, which in turn celebrated a new step.

Donald Trump gave the green light on Monday (11/23) for a formal transition between his presidency and that of his successor, Democrat Joe Biden.

Trump said on Twitter that he asked the US federal agency responsible for the transition, the General Services Administration (GSA), to “do what is necessary” in the process, although he indicated that he will continue to dispute the outcome of the elections held earlier this month.

“Our case remains STRONG, we will keep up the good fight and I believe we will succeed. However, with the best interests of the country in mind, I ask Emily and her team to do whatever it takes regarding initial protocols, and I asked her to let my team do the same, “wrote the current president, referring to Emily Murphy, head of the GSA.

The agency said, in turn, that it is recognizing Biden as an “apparent winner.”
