A video with a driver way and yours assistant went viral on social media this week. That’s because they downloaded 5.5 thousand bricks in one batch he realized that the road they were “stuck” in the ground because of the way they placed the loadLook the following video).
Despite the situation, the driver said he was not angry. Diovany also claims that he preferred to maneuver the vehicle multiple times rather than put the load on the road again.
“When we finished, I said, ‘I was a little tight to go.’ I looked at him and started laughing. It was that fight, I didn’t want to put the brick back. It was half an hour of fighting. I did like 30 tricks and my shirt was wet with sweat. , but I managed to get out. Here are 17 years of experience, “he said laughing to the portal G1 Gois.
The situation occurred a week ago, on September 24. After the episode, the men became “famous” on the Internet. Ramón’s video was published for a group of friends on WhatsApp. But what they did not know is that, before that, the situation had already been registered by other people and it went viral.
“Before I made the video, a lot of people passed on the street filming and asking how I had laid the road there. When he ordered the group, our friends already knew it, it was ‘spread’ by meme “, reveals the portal.
After poking fun at the situation, Diovany has enjoyed being recognized on the streets. “I’m calm, I take sports. People recognize us, they come and ask if it’s us in the video, they want to take a photo. These days, at the traffic light, a person stopped next to me and recognized me. Too cool. I’m enjoying “, celebrates. .