Truck accident on the Castello Branco Highway leaves one dead and three injured in Grande SP | Saint Paul


A 74-year-old man died in an accident with a car carrying sugar on the Castello Branco Highway on Saturday morning (31). Three other people were injured.

The driver told police that around 8:30 am he was driving in the direction of the capital when he was closed by another vehicle and lost control. It invaded the central construction site and the other lane and collided head-on with another car on the inside.

Four people were in the car. A 74-year-old man was rescued in Barueri, but he did not resist and died. A 54-year-old woman was trapped in the hardware and was rescued by the Águia helicopter at Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo. He got out of the car seriously injured. Two other people suffered minor injuries.

Shortly after the accident, only one lane of traffic was cleared, leading to congestion. Around 12:00, the State Highway Police cleared another lane. Part of the shipment was still on the track, at km 34, inland.

The trailer falls on the Castello Branco highway causing congestion

The trailer falls on the Castello Branco highway and causes congestion
