TRF-2 revalidates Conama’s decision against mangroves and resi


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The Conama meeting had also announced the burning of toxic waste in kilns used for cement production, with the justification that the burning of these substances will reduce the amount of solid waste.

The WHO (World Health Organization) recommends that the burning of toxic wastes be carried out in a controlled environment, as they can cause damage to the health of the population. In Brazil, since 1999 the regulations prohibit the practice in kilns used for the production of cement.

Another resolution that determined criteria for water and energy efficiency for irrigation projects to be approved was also revoked. The argument of the National Agricultural Confederation (CNA) was that irrigation is not “an establishment or activity, but simply a technology used by agriculture to supply water to plants in sufficient quantity and at the right time.”

The Federal Public Ministry attended the meeting on Monday, but did not have the right to vote. In her speech, the prosecutor Fatima Borghi pointed out that the changes in the legislation were made without the necessary public hearings and that the National Environmental Council had no legal competence to revoke the resolutions.

Conama is the main advisory body of the Ministry of the Environment and is responsible for establishing criteria for the granting of environmental licenses and standards for the control and maintenance of the quality of the environment.
