Toffoli foresees the judicialization of Bolsonaro’s decree that authorizes the opening of a beauty and hairdressing shop


SÃO PAULO – The Minister of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), Toffoli days, believe in judicialization of the decree of the president Jair Bolsonaro (No party) that expands the list of essential activities in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. The measure was issued on Monday afternoon and authorizes the opening of gyms, beauty salons and hairdressers. These categories are intended to be preserved from acts of restriction on the movement of governors and mayors.

In an interview with the program. Roda Viva, from TV CulturaToffoli was accused of whether Bolsonaro’s decree did not reject governors and mayors. Although the union can discipline the issue, states and municipalities also have management autonomy, according to the Supreme Court. In a session of the 15th, the court ruled that it is up to the states and municipalities to enact measures to combat the quarantine.

Toffoli avoided criticizing Bolsonaro, but recalled that he recommended to the president at a court meeting on 7 that economic recovery should take place through dialogue with the powers, the states and the municipalities.

– The Supreme Court decided and what was the answer I gave him when he (Bolsonaro) went there to the Supreme Court. I said ‘President, the constitution has its division of powers’. And the STF decided in accordance with the Constitution. It is simply a matter of complying with that. Whether this or that function must be defined by the municipality, state or union is defined in the Constitution. Specific cases, such as today’s decree, I am sorry, but I am not going to analyze it because it is very possible that there will be some judicialization. Let me not speak outside the archive – said Toffoli, also denying that he was embarrassed by the visit of the president and the businessmen to the STF at that time.

The minister avoided controversial issues and avoided criticizing Bolsonaro or other authorities throughout the interview. He tried to minimize questions about attrition in the relationship between the government and the Supreme Court and preached the union between the Powers. When asked about controversial issues on the court’s agenda, he said he preferred to speak in court or in court.

Toffoli was also asked about the possible delay in being president of the Supreme Court to demonstrate after Bolsonaro’s participation in acts like the 15th, when government supporters staged a demonstration calling for the return of the dictatorship.

– The Supreme is one. He is a single Supreme, who has paid due attention to any attack on him. […] Every time the Supreme Court suffered an attack, it responded, but did not respond by “note,” it responded in plenary.

Bolsonaro’s allied parliamentarians also participated in the protest. But Toffoli said he never heard from the president about protests against the democratic regime.

– (Bolsonaro) Talk to this voter talking to the extremes, to try to pull the center. I never heard directly from him […] But he has a base of extremists who defend the closure of the Supreme, which is undemocratic, Toffoli said.

Finally, Toffoli denied the possibility of reducing the salaries of court ministers as an example to the population of the need for austerity in the pandemic. According to the minister, the court has already cut spending in this year’s budget and cut spending by 15%, compared to last year.
