To ‘Fantastic’, Xuxa cites abuse of power by Marlene Mattos


The presenter Xuxa, in an interview with the reporter Renata Ceribelli that will be broadcast on the TV Globo program “Fantástico”, spoke for the first time about her relationship with her former businesswoman, Marlene Mattos. As anticipated by Patrícia Kogut’s blog, Xuxa accused Marlene of “abuse of power”.

“The stories (of Xuxa and paquitas) get mixed up when we talk about it and we see that she used a lot of abuse of power over us. We consider ourselves to be people who let all this go We were not forced to do anything at all. I let him take over my life. She did things and I accepted. Accepting the conspiracy is something that I do not accept (today) at all, “said Xuxa, who launched her autobiography,” Memórias “, by Globo Livros.

To “Fantastic”, Marlene Mattos assured that she would not have acted otherwise, since only then did she and Xuxa achieve the results they achieved.

On the show, the host also talked about diversity (expressing her wish for non-blonde paquitas) and tolerance. She is also releasing a children’s book, “Maya: Rainbow Baby,” about a girl, the daughter of a lesbian couple. “Maya came to show that God is love (…) Prejudice and discrimination come from man, not from God,” said the presenter in the interview.
