This second new term begins to withdraw the emergency FGTS; know how to do


Brazilian money bundle on isolated black background. Money from Brazil, called REAL, put together on a black table. Concept of financial value or withdrawal of FGTS, banking.

SÃO PAULO – This Monday (7), the new term begins for those who want to withdraw R $ 1,045 from FGTS Emergency. It will be possible to exchange the money until December 31.

The benefit was created through Provisional Measure No. 946/20 this year, as a measure to combat the economic impacts of the pandemic.

Like the emergency aid, the money was delivered in several batches, arranged by the workers’ dates of birth. The money was deposited in Caixa’s digital social savings, created automatically for each worker who was entitled to receive.

Why is there a new deadline?

Last Monday (30), Caixa reported that approximately R $ 7.9 billion of the emergency withdrawal of the FGTS credited in the digital savings accounts and not transferred would return to the linked accounts of the workers, duly corrected, in compliance with the Law 14.075 / 2020.

Thus, as planned, the amount was returned to each worker’s guarantee fund account on November 30. But workers who have not moved the values ​​and want to exchange them can, from now on, access the money according to the new term.

How to receive emergency Cash Out from FGTS?

According to Caixa, to receive the FGTS Emergency Withdrawal it is necessary to have updated registration data. Only after the request will the worker know the amount and the date the amount will be released. The withdrawal of R $ 1,045 is the maximum amount for an inactive or active account. Each user can withdraw from more than one account, if they have one.

“Workers who have not received it yet must access the FGTS application, complete the registration data and request the withdrawal of the amounts, which will be credited to the Social Savings Account. The amount and date of the credit will be reported below, ”the bank said in a note.

With this, the balance will remain in the digital account opened by Caixa and will be available for movement through the Caixa Tem application.

Remember that the money can be used for bill payments, cash withdrawals or transfers. OR InfoMoney prepared a step by step on how to remove the FGTS.

According to Caixa, R $ 37.8 billion were made available to more than 60 million workers, considering the entire schedule of this benefit.

How to find more information about the FGTS Emergency Retreat?

Caixa provided some service channels for the FGTS Emergency Cash Out. Among them are the FGTS App, the financial institution’s own website, the call center (Box 111, option 2) and the bank’s Internet banking.

The bank has warned that it does not send messages requesting passwords, data or personal information. It also does not send links or request confirmation of the device or account access by email, SMS or WhatsApp.

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