The crime occurred at dawn on Wednesday (28), and the suspect also stabbed and stabbed a driver; was treated at HPS João XXIII
A 54-year-old application driver was rushed to Hospital de Pronto Socorro (HPS) João XXIII, in the Central-South region of Belo Horizonte, after a thief hit him in different parts of the body with a needle that He said it was contaminated by the HIV virus responsible for AIDS. The crime occurred at dawn on Wednesday (28) on Avenida Olegário Maciel, in the center of the city.
The driver was also stabbed in the back and stabbed in the head. After the attacks, the suspect withdrew R $ 80 from the worker and fled on the back of a motorcycle. The incident was transferred to the Civil Police Station on duty in the Floresta neighborhood, in the eastern region of Belo Horizonte, and the driver, according to the Military Police (PM), was medicated and discharged from the hospital at dawn.
Conscious despite the attacks, the 54-year-old man managed to say that he was driving on Olegário Maciel avenue when he was intercepted by a motorcyclist with a rump. One of the suspects, the one riding on the rump, got out with a gun in his hand, opened the passenger door, got into the car and hit the driver’s head for the first time.
He also reports that after the hit, the suspect hit him several times with the needle that contained an unknown substance; the thief even told him that the syringe was contaminated with the HIV virus. Before getting out of the car, the suspect also hit the driver’s back with a knife and stole R $ 80 from him.
After the attack, the worker managed to drive to a Military Police base at the Belo Horizonte bus station, very close to the place where the crime occurred. The military assisted him at HPS João XXIII, where he received his first medical attention.
The syringe with the needle used to pierce the man was left in the car and was collected by the PM. It is not yet known whether she was actually infected. The incident was sent to the Civil Police station for registration. Until the close of the story, the suspects were still missing.