The water supply resumes after the works of the DAE of Americana



DAE completed the interconnection of the new water intake at the scheduled time; work stopped supplying completely this Tuesday

By André Rossi

06 Oct 2020 at 20:17 • Last updated 06 Oct 2020 at 21:55

The DAE (Department of Water and Sanitation) of Americana concluded this Tuesday (6), at 6 pm, the interconnection service of the new raw water intake from the Piracicaba River.

To carry out the work it was necessary to completely interrupt the city’s water supply from 6 in the morning. Pumping would resume at 8 p.m. Tuesday.

Works were completed on Tuesday evening and supply was resumed. Photo: Americana City Council / Disclosure

The DAE superintendent, Carlos Cesar Gimenes Zappia, explained last Friday (2) that once the interconnection is completed, the deadline for normalizing water distribution is up to 48 hours.

Currently, the Piracicaba river water intake mechanism is just a direct “plug” in the river, which carries water to the station. When the river level is low, the catchment is compromised.

The estimated period for the normalization of the supply service is 48 hours – Photo: Americana City Council / Disclosure

Furthermore, the current structure is in a precarious situation. The cooling of the electrical panels, in charge of keeping the pumps running, is basically done by means of a floor fan.

The work of this Tuesday served to connect the stations. The old structure will be renovated to become an “emergency reserve”.

There will be a trial period for the catchment system and the gates until the final delivery of the work, which must occur within 45 days.

Works on Avenida Lírio Corrêa, in Americana – Photo: Americana City Council / Disclosure

“With the interconnection, we can give weight to the unit and the electrical part will allow to test the equipment with electrical energy. You have to do everything in a very safe way to start operations, ”Zappia explained.

Other works
Also on Tuesday, the DAE performed a series of services to take advantage of the supply disruption. More than 100 employees will participate in what the superintendent has classified as the largest hydraulic action in the city’s history.

The only one that was still in progress until the publication of this article was the maintenance of the Avenida Lírio Corrêa network. The rest was already finished.

They are: interconnection of the R12 (Jardim Brasil) and R13 (Latvia) reservoirs, services in the new pipeline to improve the supply capacity in Post-Anhanguera and, finally, maintenance of the old aspiration pump and the records of the new interconnection .
