The volunteer who had an adverse reaction in a vaccine study is a woman and was not in the placebo group – Health


The participant in clinical trials of the vaccine against COVID-19 gives Oxford University and AstraZeneca who developed a serious adverse reaction is a woman who was in the group of volunteers who actually received the immunizer in the tests, not the placebo. The information was provided by the CEO of the pharmaceutical company, Pascal Soriot, during a private conference with investors, the website revealed. Statistics News, an American portal specialized in science and health news.

The executive also confirmed that the volunteer manifested a neurological problem known as transverse myelitis, but said that she has already been discharged and is well. The complication motivated suspension of clinical trials of vaccines for an independent committee to evaluate whether the disease was caused by the experimental product.

TO Status, the press office of AstraZeneca in Brazil confirmed that the volunteer is part of the group that took the vaccine under test, but said that it could not reveal more details about the participant’s profile due to the confidentiality required in the studies.

Still according to the Statistics NewsSoriot stated that it is the second time that the tests have been interrupted by the manifestation of neurological symptoms in the participants. In the first break, the researchers concluded that the volunteer developed multiple sclerosis without reacting to the immunization.

The Oxford vaccine is being tested in Brazil in about 5,000 people. The studies also involved the United States and South Africa, as well as the United Kingdom, the first country to test the product. The Brazilian study, which began in June, is being coordinated by the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp). The institution reported that no adverse events were recorded in the Brazilian participants.

There is already an agreement signed between the Ministry of Health and AstraZeneca for the immunizer that will be produced in the country after an eventual approval. Manufacturing would be possible thanks to an association to transfer technology to Fiocruz.
