The variant found in ES has a 62% risk of death and affects more young people


Rua da Lama: Internet user denounces overcrowding on Rua da Lama, in Vitória, during the Carnival weekend
During the Carnival weekend, Rua da Lama had an agglomeration of young people, a group more susceptible to the variant of the coronavirus. Credit: Internauta / A GAZETA

The information was presented on Monday afternoon (22) by the Secretary of State for Health, Nésio Fernandes, and the director of the Central Laboratory of Espírito Santo (Lacen-ES), Rodrigo Rodrigues.

“Today we bring the result of an investigation carried out in Lacen, which identified at the beginning of March variants that contained the Covid-19 mutation of the variant Δ (delta) 69-70. The profile of the pandemic in the state showed three moments of increase during the period from March 2020 to March 2021 ”, described Rodrigues.

According to the director of Lacen-ES, the transmission speed of the current new coronavirus is the highest since the start of the pandemic in the state. In their assessment, several factors may have caused this scenario: social interaction, low use of masks, denial of the risk of the disease, low vaccination coverage and the appearance of new variants.

“New variants appear daily. Among the ones we are aware of, there are three, called variants of concern: B.1.1.7, which originated in the UK, B.1.351 and P.1. Since the beginning of March (2020), the main strains that occurred in Brazil were distributed homogeneously, but, as of September, two new variants were discovered ”, he explained.

In a study recently carried out by researchers from Minas Gerais, at least samples were found from 10 states where the B.1.1.7 line was detected, including in Espírito Santo. According to the state government, this has triggered continuous chains of transmission since the beginning of December 2020.

The director of Lacen-ES explained that the variant B.1.1.7 appeared in Great Britain, has a higher infectivity rate than the other variants, which varies between 43 and 90%. Found in several countries, in the United States it ranks highly. Studies indicate that by mid-April it should be the predominant strain in that country. In the United States, the number of people infected with this variant doubles every 10 days.

“In studies carried out in Denmark, Switzerland and the United States, they found that the transmission rate varies between 59 and 74% more than in standard strains. One fact that is very worrying is that some studies, with risk of death associated with infection to B.1.1.7, showed an increase of 62% (in deaths) compared to other variants in the same country. It places it in a highly transmissible variant and with a lethality power higher than those found ” projection.

Secretary Nésio Fernandes stressed that Capixabas must have discipline in coping with the disease so that it is possible to prevent the transmission of the virus. For this reason, he reinforced the importance of the use of masks among the protection measures.

“It is necessary for the population to understand that, until there is a broad immunization above 70%, we will have to live with a different routine. These days are not days to go to the boardwalk, to go to the beach. These are days to stay at home. High probability that high variants circulate and reach a degree of predominance in our state. This may explain the death records that we must find in the coming days, “he concluded.

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